Interface HostnameVerifier

All Superinterfaces:

public interface HostnameVerifier
extends HostnameVerifier

************************************************************************ Copied from the not-yet-commons-ssl project at As the above project is accepted into Apache and its JARs become available in the Maven 2 repos, we will have to switch to using the JARs instead ************************************************************************

Interface for checking if a hostname matches the names stored inside the server's X.509 certificate. Correctly implements, but that interface is not recommended. Instead we added several check() methods that take SSLSocket, or X509Certificate, or ultimately (they all end up calling this one), String. (It's easier to supply JUnit with Strings instead of mock SSLSession objects!)

Our check() methods throw exceptions if the name is invalid, whereas just returns true/false.

We provide the HostnameVerifier.DEFAULT, HostnameVerifier.STRICT, and HostnameVerifier.ALLOW_ALL implementations. We also provide the more specialized HostnameVerifier.DEFAULT_AND_LOCALHOST, as well as HostnameVerifier.STRICT_IE6. But feel free to define your own implementations!

Inspired by Sebastian Hauer's original StrictSSLProtocolSocketFactory in the HttpClient "contrib" repository.

Julius Davies, Sebastian Hauer

Nested Class Summary
static class HostnameVerifier.AbstractVerifier
static class HostnameVerifier.Certificates
Field Summary
static HostnameVerifier ALLOW_ALL
          The ALLOW_ALL HostnameVerifier essentially turns hostname verification off.
static HostnameVerifier DEFAULT
          The DEFAULT HostnameVerifier works the same way as Curl and Firefox.
static HostnameVerifier DEFAULT_AND_LOCALHOST
          The DEFAULT_AND_LOCALHOST HostnameVerifier works like the DEFAULT one with one additional relaxation: a host of "localhost", "localhost.localdomain", "", "::1" will always pass, no matter what is in the server's certificate.
static HostnameVerifier STRICT
          The STRICT HostnameVerifier works the same way as in Sun Java 1.4, Sun Java 5, Sun Java 6.
static HostnameVerifier STRICT_IE6
          The STRICT_IE6 HostnameVerifier works just like the STRICT one with one minor variation: the hostname can match against any of the CN's in the server's certificate, not just the first one.
Method Summary
 void check(String[] hosts, SSLSocket ssl)
 void check(String[] hosts, String[] cns, String[] subjectAlts)
          Checks to see if the supplied hostname matches any of the supplied CNs or "DNS" Subject-Alts.
 void check(String[] hosts, X509Certificate cert)
 void check(String host, SSLSocket ssl)
 void check(String host, String[] cns, String[] subjectAlts)
 void check(String host, X509Certificate cert)
 boolean verify(String host, SSLSession session)

Field Detail


static final HostnameVerifier DEFAULT
The DEFAULT HostnameVerifier works the same way as Curl and Firefox.

The hostname must match either the first CN, or any of the subject-alts. A wildcard can occur in the CN, and in any of the subject-alts.

The only difference between DEFAULT and STRICT is that a wildcard (such as "*") with DEFAULT matches all subdomains, including "".


static final HostnameVerifier DEFAULT_AND_LOCALHOST
The DEFAULT_AND_LOCALHOST HostnameVerifier works like the DEFAULT one with one additional relaxation: a host of "localhost", "localhost.localdomain", "", "::1" will always pass, no matter what is in the server's certificate.


static final HostnameVerifier STRICT
The STRICT HostnameVerifier works the same way as in Sun Java 1.4, Sun Java 5, Sun Java 6. It's also pretty close to IE6. This implementation appears to be compliant with RFC 2818 for dealing with wildcards.

The hostname must match either the first CN, or any of the subject-alts. A wildcard can occur in the CN, and in any of the subject-alts. The one divergence from IE6 is how we only check the first CN. IE6 allows a match against any of the CNs present. We decided to follow in Sun Java 1.4's footsteps and only check the first CN.

A wildcard such as "*" matches only subdomains in the same level, for example "". It does not match deeper subdomains such as "".


static final HostnameVerifier STRICT_IE6
The STRICT_IE6 HostnameVerifier works just like the STRICT one with one minor variation: the hostname can match against any of the CN's in the server's certificate, not just the first one. This behaviour is identical to IE6's behaviour.


static final HostnameVerifier ALLOW_ALL
The ALLOW_ALL HostnameVerifier essentially turns hostname verification off. This implementation is a no-op, and never throws the SSLException.

Method Detail


boolean verify(String host,
               SSLSession session)
Specified by:
verify in interface HostnameVerifier


void check(String host,
           SSLSocket ssl)
           throws IOException


void check(String host,
           X509Certificate cert)
           throws SSLException


void check(String host,
           String[] cns,
           String[] subjectAlts)
           throws SSLException


void check(String[] hosts,
           SSLSocket ssl)
           throws IOException


void check(String[] hosts,
           X509Certificate cert)
           throws SSLException


void check(String[] hosts,
           String[] cns,
           String[] subjectAlts)
           throws SSLException
Checks to see if the supplied hostname matches any of the supplied CNs or "DNS" Subject-Alts. Most implementations only look at the first CN, and ignore any additional CNs. Most implementations do look at all of the "DNS" Subject-Alts. The CNs or Subject-Alts may contain wildcards according to RFC 2818.

cns - CN fields, in order, as extracted from the X.509 certificate.
subjectAlts - Subject-Alt fields of type 2 ("DNS"), as extracted from the X.509 certificate.
hosts - The array of hostnames to verify.
SSLException - If verification failed.

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