Class ServerWorker

  extended by org.apache.synapse.transport.nhttp.ServerWorker
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServerWorker
extends Object
implements Runnable

Processes an incoming request through Axis2. An instance of this class would be created to process each unique request

Constructor Summary
ServerWorker(ListenerContext listenerContext, org.apache.http.nio.NHttpServerConnection conn, ServerHandler serverHandler, org.apache.http.HttpRequest request, InputStream is, org.apache.http.HttpResponse response, OutputStream os)
          Create a new server side worker to process an incoming message and optionally begin creating its output.
Method Summary
 org.apache.http.nio.NHttpServerConnection getConn()
 InputStream getIs()
 OutputStream getOutputStream()
 String getRemoteAddress()
 org.apache.http.HttpResponse getResponse()
 ServerHandler getServiceHandler()
 void run()
          Process the incoming request
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServerWorker(ListenerContext listenerContext,
                    org.apache.http.nio.NHttpServerConnection conn,
                    ServerHandler serverHandler,
                    org.apache.http.HttpRequest request,
                    InputStream is,
                    org.apache.http.HttpResponse response,
                    OutputStream os)
Create a new server side worker to process an incoming message and optionally begin creating its output. This however does not force the processor to write a response back as the traditional servlet service() method, but creates the background required to write the response, if one would be created.

listenerContext - the listener configuration
conn - the underlying http connection
serverHandler - the handler of the server side messages
request - the http request received (might still be in the process of being streamed)
is - the stream input stream to read the request body
response - the response to be populated if applicable
os - the output stream to write the response body if one is applicable
Method Detail


public void run()
Process the incoming request

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable


public org.apache.http.HttpResponse getResponse()


public OutputStream getOutputStream()


public InputStream getIs()


public ServerHandler getServiceHandler()


public org.apache.http.nio.NHttpServerConnection getConn()


public String getRemoteAddress()

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