Interface SourceBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
AXIOMSourceBuilder, DOOMSourceBuilder, StreamSourceBuilder

public interface SourceBuilder

Interface encapsulating a strategy to transform an AXIOM tree into a Source object. Implementations of this interface should be used in the following way:

  1. Create a new instance using the appropriate SourceBuilderFactory.
  2. Call getSource(OMElement) to get a Source object for the AXIOM tree.
  3. Use the Source object in the invocation the XSL transformer or schema validator, etc.
  4. Call release().
Note that implementations of this interface may be stateful. Therefore a single instance must never be used concurrently.

Method Summary
 Source getSource(OMElement node)
          Get a Source implementation for the given AXIOM tree.
 void release()
          Release any resources associated with this object.

Method Detail


Source getSource(OMElement node)
Get a Source implementation for the given AXIOM tree.

node - the root node of the AXIOM tree
the source object


void release()
Release any resources associated with this object.

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