All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Compact64bitInt extends BasicObject
A 9-byte encoding of values in the range 0x0002000000000000 through 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  • Field Details

    • CompactUintNullType

      public static final int CompactUintNullType
      Specify the type value for compact uint zero type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint7bitType

      public static final int CompactUint7bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 7 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint14bitType

      public static final int CompactUint14bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 14 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint21bitType

      public static final int CompactUint21bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 21 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint28bitType

      public static final int CompactUint28bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 28 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint35bitType

      public static final int CompactUint35bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 35 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint42bitType

      public static final int CompactUint42bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 42 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint49bitType

      public static final int CompactUint49bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 49 bits type value.
      See Also:
    • CompactUint64bitType

      public static final int CompactUint64bitType
      Specify the type value for compact uint 64 bits type value.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Compact64bitInt

      public Compact64bitInt(long decodedValue)
      Initializes a new instance of the Compact64bitInt class with specified value.
      decodedValue - Decoded value
    • Compact64bitInt

      public Compact64bitInt()
      Initializes a new instance of the Compact64bitInt class, this is the default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • serializeToByteList

      public List<Byte> serializeToByteList() throws IOException
      This method is used to convert the element of Compact64bitInt basic object into a byte List.
      Specified by:
      serializeToByteList in interface IFSSHTTPBSerializable
      Specified by:
      serializeToByteList in class BasicObject
      Return the byte list which store the byte information of Compact64bitInt.
    • doDeserializeFromByteArray

      protected int doDeserializeFromByteArray(byte[] byteArray, int startIndex) throws IOException
      This method is used to deserialize the Compact64bitInt basic object from the specified byte array and start index.
      Specified by:
      doDeserializeFromByteArray in class BasicObject
      byteArray - Specify the byte array.
      startIndex - Specify the start index from the byte array.
      Return the length in byte of the Compact64bitInt basic object.
    • getType

      public int getType()
    • setType

      public Compact64bitInt setType(int type)
    • getDecodedValue

      public long getDecodedValue()
    • setDecodedValue

      public Compact64bitInt setDecodedValue(long decodedValue)