Tiles 2 2.0.7 API

The Tiles taglib and framework allows building web pages by assembling reusable pieces of pages, called Tiles.
org.apache.tiles.access Utility classes to access Tiles funcionality from an application.
org.apache.tiles.beans Classes to work with Tiles menu items and beans.
org.apache.tiles.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts in an application in a uniformed way.
org.apache.tiles.context.enhanced Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts using also the classpath to access resources.
org.apache.tiles.definition It contains classes and interfaces to allow manipulations of "definitions", i.e. objects made of a template page and a number of filled attributes.
org.apache.tiles.definition.digester Allows reading definitions with the use of Jakarta Commons Digester.
org.apache.tiles.definition.util Utility classes for definitions.
org.apache.tiles.factory Factory classes, to allow creation of container instances.
org.apache.tiles.impl It contains the basic implementations of Tiles container.
org.apache.tiles.impl.mgmt It contains the basic implementations of mutable Tiles containers.
org.apache.tiles.jsp.context Tiles context classes in a JSP environment.
org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib The "tiles-jsp" tag library contains tags that are useful to create templates, subpages other reusable view parts using the "tiles-core" package.
org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib.definition Part of the tag library to create definitions inside JSP pages.
org.apache.tiles.locale Classes and interfaces to allow locale resolution in an application, i.e. it allows to specify how to access the locale that the user wants to use.
org.apache.tiles.locale.impl Basic implementation of the locale resolver.
org.apache.tiles.mgmt Classes and interfaces to be used when it is needed to create Tiles definitions during the execution of the application.
org.apache.tiles.portlet.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a portlet application.
org.apache.tiles.preparer "View preparers" are objects that allows the "preparation" of a Tiles artifact (definition, template or attribute) before it is rendered.
org.apache.tiles.reflect Classes to manage reflection in a centralized way for Tiles.
org.apache.tiles.servlet.context Classes and interfaces that allow to access the various contexts from a servlet application.
org.apache.tiles.util Static utility classes used throughout the implementation.
org.apache.tiles.web.startup Classes to start the Tiles engine up in a web environment.
org.apache.tiles.web.util Utility classes to use Tiles in a servlet environment.


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