Package org.apache.tiles.preparer

Package class diagram package org.apache.tiles.preparer
"View preparers" are objects that allows the "preparation" of a Tiles artifact (definition, template or attribute) before it is rendered.


Interface Summary
PreparerFactory Factory interface used to create/retrieve instances of the ViewPreparer interface.
ViewPreparer Executed prior to rendering a view.

Class Summary
BasicPreparerFactory Default implementation of the PreparerFactory.
ViewPreparerSupport Basic implementation of ViewPreparer.

Exception Summary
NoSuchPreparerException Thrown when the named preparerInstance can not be found.
PreparerException Thrown when an exception occurs while processing a prepare request.

Package org.apache.tiles.preparer Description

"View preparers" are objects that allows the "preparation" of a Tiles artifact (definition, template or attribute) before it is rendered.
It is useful, for example, when a view item should be built and stored in a particular context (e.g. a menu) and then rendered.

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