View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * This file was automatically generated by Apache Tiles Autotag.
3    */
4   package org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib;
6   import;
8   import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
9   import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport;
11  import org.apache.tiles.autotag.core.runtime.ModelBody;
12  import org.apache.tiles.autotag.core.runtime.AutotagRuntime;
14  /**
15   * <p>
16   * <strong>Declare a list that will be pass as attribute to tile. </strong>
17   * </p>
18   * <p>
19   * Declare a list that will be pass as attribute to tile. List elements are
20   * added using the tags 'addAttribute' or 'addListAttribute'. This tag can only
21   * be used inside 'insertTemplate', 'insertDefinition', 'definition' tags.
22   * </p>
23   */
24  public class PutListAttributeTag extends SimpleTagSupport {
26      /**
27       * The template model.
28       */
29      private org.apache.tiles.template.PutListAttributeModel model = new org.apache.tiles.template.PutListAttributeModel();
31      /**
32       * The name of the attribute to put.
33       */
34      private java.lang.String name;
36      /**
37       * A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute
38       * will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
39       */
40      private java.lang.String role;
42      /**
43       * If <code>true</code>, the list attribute will use, as first elements, the
44       * list contained in the list attribute, put with the same name, of the containing definition.
45       */
46      private boolean inherit;
48      /**
49       * If <code>true</code> the attribute will be cascaded to all nested attributes.
50       */
51      private boolean cascade;
53      /**
54       * Getter for name property.
55       *
56       * @return
57       * The name of the attribute to put.
58       */
59      public java.lang.String getName() {
60          return name;
61      }
63      /**
64       * Setter for name property.
65       *
66       * @param name
67       * The name of the attribute to put.
68       */
69      public void setName(java.lang.String name) {
70 = name;
71      }
73      /**
74       * Getter for role property.
75       *
76       * @return
77       * A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute
78       * will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
79       */
80      public java.lang.String getRole() {
81          return role;
82      }
84      /**
85       * Setter for role property.
86       *
87       * @param role
88       * A comma-separated list of roles. If present, the attribute
89       * will be rendered only if the current user belongs to one of the roles.
90       */
91      public void setRole(java.lang.String role) {
92          this.role = role;
93      }
95      /**
96       * Getter for inherit property.
97       *
98       * @return
99       * If <code>true</code>, the list attribute will use, as first elements, the
100      * list contained in the list attribute, put with the same name, of the containing definition.
101      */
102     public boolean isInherit() {
103         return inherit;
104     }
106     /**
107      * Setter for inherit property.
108      *
109      * @param inherit
110      * If <code>true</code>, the list attribute will use, as first elements, the
111      * list contained in the list attribute, put with the same name, of the containing definition.
112      */
113     public void setInherit(boolean inherit) {
114         this.inherit = inherit;
115     }
117     /**
118      * Getter for cascade property.
119      *
120      * @return
121      * If <code>true</code> the attribute will be cascaded to all nested attributes.
122      */
123     public boolean isCascade() {
124         return cascade;
125     }
127     /**
128      * Setter for cascade property.
129      *
130      * @param cascade
131      * If <code>true</code> the attribute will be cascaded to all nested attributes.
132      */
133     public void setCascade(boolean cascade) {
134         this.cascade = cascade;
135     }
137     /** {@inheritDoc} */
138     @Override
139     public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException {
140         AutotagRuntime<org.apache.tiles.request.Request> runtime = new org.apache.tiles.request.jsp.autotag.JspAutotagRuntime();
141         if (runtime instanceof SimpleTagSupport) {
142             SimpleTagSupport tag = (SimpleTagSupport) runtime;
143             tag.setJspContext(getJspContext());
144             tag.setJspBody(getJspBody());
145             tag.setParent(getParent());
146             tag.doTag();
147         }
148         org.apache.tiles.request.Request request = runtime.createRequest();        
149         ModelBody modelBody = runtime.createModelBody();
150         model.execute(
151             name,
152             role,
153             inherit,
154             cascade,
155             request, modelBody
156         );
157     }
158 }