Interface Session

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable

public interface Session extends Closeable
  • Method Details

    • getContainer

      WebSocketContainer getContainer()
      Get the container that created this session.
      the container that created this session.
    • addMessageHandler

      void addMessageHandler(MessageHandler handler) throws IllegalStateException
      Registers a MessageHandler for incoming messages. Only one MessageHandler may be registered for each message type (text, binary, pong). The message type will be derived at runtime from the provided MessageHandler instance. It is not always possible to do this so it is better to use addMessageHandler(Class, jakarta.websocket.MessageHandler.Partial) or addMessageHandler(Class, jakarta.websocket.MessageHandler.Whole).
      handler - The message handler for a incoming message
      IllegalStateException - If a message handler has already been registered for the associated message type
    • getMessageHandlers

      Set<MessageHandler> getMessageHandlers()
    • removeMessageHandler

      void removeMessageHandler(MessageHandler listener)
    • getProtocolVersion

      String getProtocolVersion()
    • getNegotiatedSubprotocol

      String getNegotiatedSubprotocol()
    • getNegotiatedExtensions

      List<Extension> getNegotiatedExtensions()
    • isSecure

      boolean isSecure()
    • isOpen

      boolean isOpen()
    • getMaxIdleTimeout

      long getMaxIdleTimeout()
      Get the idle timeout for this session.
      The current idle timeout for this session in milliseconds. Zero or negative values indicate an infinite timeout.
    • setMaxIdleTimeout

      void setMaxIdleTimeout(long timeout)
      Set the idle timeout for this session.
      timeout - The new idle timeout for this session in milliseconds. Zero or negative values indicate an infinite timeout.
    • setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize

      void setMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize(int max)
      Set the current maximum buffer size for binary messages.
      max - The new maximum buffer size in bytes
    • getMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize

      int getMaxBinaryMessageBufferSize()
      Get the current maximum buffer size for binary messages.
      The current maximum buffer size in bytes
    • setMaxTextMessageBufferSize

      void setMaxTextMessageBufferSize(int max)
      Set the maximum buffer size for text messages.
      max - The new maximum buffer size in characters.
    • getMaxTextMessageBufferSize

      int getMaxTextMessageBufferSize()
      Get the maximum buffer size for text messages.
      The maximum buffer size in characters.
    • getAsyncRemote

      RemoteEndpoint.Async getAsyncRemote()
    • getBasicRemote

      RemoteEndpoint.Basic getBasicRemote()
    • getId

      String getId()
      Provides a unique identifier for the session. This identifier should not be relied upon to be generated from a secure random source.
      A unique identifier for the session.
    • close

      void close() throws IOException
      Close the connection to the remote end point using the code CloseReason.CloseCodes.NORMAL_CLOSURE and an empty reason phrase.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs while the WebSocket session is being closed.
    • close

      void close(CloseReason closeReason) throws IOException
      Close the connection to the remote end point using the specified code and reason phrase.
      closeReason - The reason the WebSocket session is being closed.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs while the WebSocket session is being closed.
    • getRequestURI

      URI getRequestURI()
    • getRequestParameterMap

      Map<String,List<String>> getRequestParameterMap()
    • getQueryString

      String getQueryString()
    • getPathParameters

      Map<String,String> getPathParameters()
    • getUserProperties

      Map<String,Object> getUserProperties()
    • getUserPrincipal

      Principal getUserPrincipal()
    • getOpenSessions

      Set<Session> getOpenSessions()
      Obtain the set of open sessions associated with the same local endpoint as this session.
      The set of currently open sessions for the local endpoint that this session is associated with.
    • addMessageHandler

      <T> void addMessageHandler(Class<T> clazz, MessageHandler.Partial<T> handler) throws IllegalStateException
      Registers a MessageHandler for partial incoming messages. Only one MessageHandler may be registered for each message type (text or binary, pong messages are never presented as partial messages).
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of message that the given handler is intended for
      clazz - The Class that implements T
      handler - The message handler for a incoming message
      IllegalStateException - If a message handler has already been registered for the associated message type
      WebSocket 1.1
    • addMessageHandler

      <T> void addMessageHandler(Class<T> clazz, MessageHandler.Whole<T> handler) throws IllegalStateException
      Registers a MessageHandler for whole incoming messages. Only one MessageHandler may be registered for each message type (text, binary, pong).
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of message that the given handler is intended for
      clazz - The Class that implements T
      handler - The message handler for a incoming message
      IllegalStateException - If a message handler has already been registered for the associated message type
      WebSocket 1.1