Class SSLValve

All Implemented Interfaces:
MBeanRegistration, Contained, JmxEnabled, Lifecycle, Valve

public class SSLValve extends ValveBase
When using mod_proxy_http, the client SSL information is not included in the protocol (unlike mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp). To make the client SSL information available to Tomcat, some additional configuration is required. In httpd, mod_headers is used to add the SSL information as HTTP headers. In Tomcat, this valve is used to read the information from the HTTP headers and insert it into the request.

Note: Ensure that the headers are always set by httpd for all requests to prevent a client spoofing SSL information by sending fake headers.

In httpd.conf add the following:

 <IfModule ssl_module>
   RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_CERT "%{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s"
   RequestHeader set SSL_CIPHER "%{SSL_CIPHER}s"
   RequestHeader set SSL_SESSION_ID "%{SSL_SESSION_ID}s"
In server.xml, configure this valve under the Engine element in server.xml:
 <Engine ...>
   <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.SSLValve" />
   <Host ... />
  • Constructor Details

    • SSLValve

      public SSLValve()
  • Method Details

    • getSslClientCertHeader

      public String getSslClientCertHeader()
    • setSslClientCertHeader

      public void setSslClientCertHeader(String sslClientCertHeader)
    • getSslClientEscapedCertHeader

      public String getSslClientEscapedCertHeader()
    • setSslClientEscapedCertHeader

      public void setSslClientEscapedCertHeader(String sslClientEscapedCertHeader)
    • getSslSecureProtocolHeader

      public String getSslSecureProtocolHeader()
    • setSslSecureProtocolHeader

      public void setSslSecureProtocolHeader(String sslSecureProtocolHeader)
    • getSslCipherHeader

      public String getSslCipherHeader()
    • setSslCipherHeader

      public void setSslCipherHeader(String sslCipherHeader)
    • getSslSessionIdHeader

      public String getSslSessionIdHeader()
    • setSslSessionIdHeader

      public void setSslSessionIdHeader(String sslSessionIdHeader)
    • getSslCipherUserKeySizeHeader

      public String getSslCipherUserKeySizeHeader()
    • setSslCipherUserKeySizeHeader

      public void setSslCipherUserKeySizeHeader(String sslCipherUserKeySizeHeader)
    • mygetHeader

      public String mygetHeader(Request request, String header)
    • invoke

      public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException
      Description copied from interface: Valve

      Perform request processing as required by this Valve.

      An individual Valve MAY perform the following actions, in the specified order:

      • Examine and/or modify the properties of the specified Request and Response.
      • Examine the properties of the specified Request, completely generate the corresponding Response, and return control to the caller.
      • Examine the properties of the specified Request and Response, wrap either or both of these objects to supplement their functionality, and pass them on.
      • If the corresponding Response was not generated (and control was not returned, call the next Valve in the pipeline (if there is one) by executing getNext().invoke().
      • Examine, but not modify, the properties of the resulting Response (which was created by a subsequently invoked Valve or Container).

      A Valve MUST NOT do any of the following things:

      • Change request properties that have already been used to direct the flow of processing control for this request (for instance, trying to change the virtual host to which a Request should be sent from a pipeline attached to a Host or Context in the standard implementation).
      • Create a completed Response AND pass this Request and Response on to the next Valve in the pipeline.
      • Consume bytes from the input stream associated with the Request, unless it is completely generating the response, or wrapping the request before passing it on.
      • Modify the HTTP headers included with the Response after the getNext().invoke() method has returned.
      • Perform any actions on the output stream associated with the specified Response after the getNext().invoke() method has returned.
      request - The servlet request to be processed
      response - The servlet response to be created
      IOException - if an input/output error occurs, or is thrown by a subsequently invoked Valve, Filter, or Servlet
      ServletException - if a servlet error occurs, or is thrown by a subsequently invoked Valve, Filter, or Servlet