Enum Class ActionCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ActionCode>, Constable

public enum ActionCode extends Enum<ActionCode>
ActionCodes represent callbacks from the servlet container to the coyote connector. Actions are implemented by ProtocolHandler, using the ActionHook interface.
Remy Maucherat
See Also:
  • Enum Constant Details

    • ACK

      public static final ActionCode ACK
      Acknowledge request, most often used for HTTP expectations.
    • CLOSE

      public static final ActionCode CLOSE
      Regular close.
    • COMMIT

      public static final ActionCode COMMIT
      Response commit, which means any initial bytes part of the response are going to be sent.

      public static final ActionCode CLOSE_NOW
      A serious error occurred from which it is not possible to recover safely. Further attempts to write to the response should be ignored and the connection needs to be closed as soon as possible. This can also be used to forcibly close a connection if an error occurs after the response has been committed.

      public static final ActionCode CLIENT_FLUSH
      A flush() operation originated by the client ( i.e. a flush() on the servlet output stream or writer, called by a servlet ). Argument is the Response.
    • IS_ERROR

      public static final ActionCode IS_ERROR
      Has the processor been placed into the error state? Note that the response may not have an appropriate error code set.

      public static final ActionCode IS_IO_ALLOWED
      The processor may have been placed into an error state and some error states do not permit any further I/O. Is I/O currently allowed?

      public static final ActionCode DISABLE_SWALLOW_INPUT
      Hook called if swallowing request input should be disabled. Example: Cancel a large file upload.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_HOST_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - extract the remote host name and address.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_HOST_ADDR_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - extract the remote host address.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_PEER_ADDR_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - extract the connection peer address.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_SSL_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - extract the SSL-related attributes including the client certificate if present.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_SSL_CERTIFICATE
      Force a TLS re-handshake and make the resulting client certificate (if any) available as a request attribute.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_REMOTEPORT_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - socket remote port.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_LOCALPORT_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - socket local port.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_LOCAL_ADDR_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - local address.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_LOCAL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE
      Callback for lazy evaluation - local address.

      public static final ActionCode REQ_SET_BODY_REPLAY
      Callback for setting FORM auth body replay

      public static final ActionCode AVAILABLE
      Callback for getting the amount of available bytes.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_START
      Callback for an async request.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_DISPATCH
      Callback for an async call to AsyncContext.dispatch().

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_DISPATCHED
      Callback to indicate the the actual dispatch has started and that the async state needs change.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_RUN
      Callback for an async call to AsyncContext.start(Runnable).

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_COMPLETE
      Callback for an async call to AsyncContext.complete().

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_TIMEOUT
      Callback to trigger the processing of an async timeout.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_ERROR
      Callback to trigger the error processing.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_SETTIMEOUT
      Callback for an async call to AsyncContext.setTimeout(long)

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_ASYNC
      Callback to determine if async processing is in progress.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_STARTED
      Callback to determine if async dispatch is in progress.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_COMPLETING
      Call back to determine if async complete is in progress.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_DISPATCHING
      Callback to determine if async dispatch is in progress.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_TIMINGOUT
      Callback to determine if async is timing out.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_IS_ERROR
      Callback to determine if async is in error.

      public static final ActionCode ASYNC_POST_PROCESS
      Callback to trigger post processing. Typically only used during error handling to trigger essential processing that otherwise would be skipped.

      public static final ActionCode UPGRADE
      Callback to trigger the HTTP upgrade process.

      public static final ActionCode NB_READ_INTEREST
      Indicator that Servlet is interested in being notified when data is available to be read.

      public static final ActionCode NB_WRITE_INTEREST
      Used with non-blocking writes to determine if a write is currently allowed (sets passed parameter to true) or not (sets passed parameter to false). If a write is not allowed then callback will be triggered at some future point when write becomes possible again.

      public static final ActionCode REQUEST_BODY_FULLY_READ
      Indicates if the request body has been fully read.

      public static final ActionCode DISPATCH_READ
      Indicates that the container needs to trigger a call to onDataAvailable() for the registered non-blocking read listener.

      public static final ActionCode DISPATCH_WRITE
      Indicates that the container needs to trigger a call to onWritePossible() for the registered non-blocking write listener.

      public static final ActionCode DISPATCH_ERROR
      Indicates that the container needs to trigger a call to onError() for the registered non-blocking write and/or read listener(s).

      public static final ActionCode DISPATCH_EXECUTE
      Execute any non-blocking dispatches that have been registered via DISPATCH_READ or DISPATCH_WRITE. Typically required when the non-blocking listeners are configured on a thread where the processing wasn't triggered by a read or write event on the socket.

      public static final ActionCode IS_TRAILER_FIELDS_READY
      Are the request trailer fields ready to be read? Note that this returns true if it is known that request trailer fields are not supported so an empty collection of trailers can then be read.

      public static final ActionCode IS_TRAILER_FIELDS_SUPPORTED
      Are HTTP trailer fields supported for the current response? Note that once an HTTP/1.1 response has been committed, it will no longer support trailer fields.

      public static final ActionCode PROTOCOL_REQUEST_ID
      Obtain the request identifier for this request as defined by the protocol in use. Note that some protocols do not define such an identifier. E.g. this will be Stream ID for HTTP/2.

      public static final ActionCode SERVLET_CONNECTION
      Obtain the servlet connection instance for the network connection supporting the current request.

      public static final ActionCode EARLY_HINTS
      Send an RFC 8297 Early Hints informational response.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static ActionCode[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static ActionCode valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null