Class AbstractAjpProtocol<S>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of socket used by the implementation
All Implemented Interfaces:
MBeanRegistration, ProtocolHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
AjpNio2Protocol, AjpNioProtocol

public abstract class AbstractAjpProtocol<S> extends AbstractProtocol<S>
The is the base implementation for the AJP protocol handlers. Implementations typically extend this base class rather than implement ProtocolHandler. All of the implementations that ship with Tomcat are implemented this way.
  • Field Details

    • sm

      protected static final StringManager sm
      The string manager for this package.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProtocolName

      protected String getProtocolName()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProtocol
      Obtain the name of the protocol, (Http, Ajp, etc.). Used with JMX.
      Specified by:
      getProtocolName in class AbstractProtocol<S>
      the protocol name
    • getEndpoint

      protected AbstractEndpoint<S,?> getEndpoint()
      Overridden to make getter accessible to other classes in this package.
      getEndpoint in class AbstractProtocol<S>
    • getNegotiatedProtocol

      protected UpgradeProtocol getNegotiatedProtocol(String name)
      Find a suitable handler for the protocol negotiated at the network layer. AJP does not support protocol negotiation so this always returns null.
      Specified by:
      getNegotiatedProtocol in class AbstractProtocol<S>
      name - The name of the requested negotiated protocol.
      The instance where UpgradeProtocol.getAlpnName() matches the requested protocol
    • getUpgradeProtocol

      protected UpgradeProtocol getUpgradeProtocol(String name)
      Find a suitable handler for the protocol upgraded name specified. This is used for direct connection protocol selection. AJP does not support protocol upgrade so this always returns null.
      Specified by:
      getUpgradeProtocol in class AbstractProtocol<S>
      name - The name of the requested negotiated protocol.
      The instance where UpgradeProtocol.getAlpnName() matches the requested protocol
    • getAjpFlush

      public boolean getAjpFlush()
    • setAjpFlush

      public void setAjpFlush(boolean ajpFlush)
      Configure whether to aend an AJP flush packet when flushing. A flush packet is a zero byte AJP13 SEND_BODY_CHUNK packet. mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp interpret this as a request to flush data to the client. AJP always does flush at the and of the response, so if it is not important, that the packets get streamed up to the client, do not use extra flush packets. For compatibility and to stay on the safe side, flush packets are enabled by default.
      ajpFlush - The new flush setting
    • getTomcatAuthentication

      public boolean getTomcatAuthentication()
      Should authentication be done in the native web server layer, or in the Servlet container ?
      true if authentication should be performed by Tomcat, otherwise false
    • setTomcatAuthentication

      public void setTomcatAuthentication(boolean tomcatAuthentication)
    • getTomcatAuthorization

      public boolean getTomcatAuthorization()
      Should authentication be done in the native web server layer and authorization in the Servlet container?
      true if authorization should be performed by Tomcat, otherwise false
    • setTomcatAuthorization

      public void setTomcatAuthorization(boolean tomcatAuthorization)
    • setSecret

      public void setSecret(String secret)
      Set the secret that must be included with every request.
      secret - The required secret
    • getSecret

      protected String getSecret()
    • setSecretRequired

      public void setSecretRequired(boolean secretRequired)
    • getSecretRequired

      public boolean getSecretRequired()
    • setAllowedRequestAttributesPattern

      public void setAllowedRequestAttributesPattern(String allowedRequestAttributesPattern)
    • getAllowedRequestAttributesPattern

      public String getAllowedRequestAttributesPattern()
    • getAllowedRequestAttributesPatternInternal

      protected Pattern getAllowedRequestAttributesPatternInternal()
    • getPacketSize

      public int getPacketSize()
    • setPacketSize

      public void setPacketSize(int packetSize)
    • getDesiredBufferSize

      public int getDesiredBufferSize()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Some protocols, like AJP, have a packet length that shouldn't be exceeded, and this can be used to adjust the buffering used by the application layer.
      the desired buffer size, or -1 if not relevant
    • addSslHostConfig

      public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Add a new SSL configuration for a virtual host.
      sslHostConfig - the configuration
    • addSslHostConfig

      public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig, boolean replace)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Add a new SSL configuration for a virtual host.
      sslHostConfig - the configuration
      replace - If true replacement of an existing configuration is permitted, otherwise any such attempted replacement will trigger an exception
    • findSslHostConfigs

      public SSLHostConfig[] findSslHostConfigs()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Find all configured SSL virtual host configurations which will be used by SNI.
      the configurations
    • addUpgradeProtocol

      public void addUpgradeProtocol(UpgradeProtocol upgradeProtocol)
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Add a new protocol for used by HTTP/1.1 upgrade or ALPN.
      upgradeProtocol - the protocol
    • findUpgradeProtocols

      public UpgradeProtocol[] findUpgradeProtocols()
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Return all configured upgrade protocols.
      the protocols
    • createProcessor

      protected Processor createProcessor()
      Description copied from class: AbstractProtocol
      Create and configure a new Processor instance for the current protocol implementation.
      Specified by:
      createProcessor in class AbstractProtocol<S>
      A fully configured Processor instance that is ready to use
    • createUpgradeProcessor

      protected Processor createUpgradeProcessor(SocketWrapperBase<?> socket, UpgradeToken upgradeToken)
      Specified by:
      createUpgradeProcessor in class AbstractProtocol<S>
    • start

      public void start() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: ProtocolHandler
      Start the protocol.
      Specified by:
      start in interface ProtocolHandler
      start in class AbstractProtocol<S>
      Exception - If the protocol handler fails to start