Class JspCompilationContext


public class JspCompilationContext extends Object
A place holder for various things that are used through out the JSP engine. This is a per-request/per-context data structure. Some of the instance variables are set at different points. Most of the path-related stuff is here - mangling names, versions, dirs, loading resources and dealing with uris.
Anil K. Vijendran, Harish Prabandham, Pierre Delisle, Costin Manolache, Kin-man Chung
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getClassPath

      public String getClassPath()
      the classpath that is passed off to the Java compiler.
    • setClassPath

      public void setClassPath(String classPath)
      The classpath that is passed off to the Java compiler.
      classPath - The class path to use
    • getClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      What class loader to use for loading classes while compiling this JSP?
      the class loader used to load all compiled classes
    • setClassLoader

      public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
    • getJspLoader

      public ClassLoader getJspLoader()
    • clearJspLoader

      public void clearJspLoader()
    • getOutputDir

      public String getOutputDir()
      The output directory to generate code into. The output directory is make up of the scratch directory, which is provide in Options, plus the directory derived from the package name.
      the output directory in which the generated sources are placed
    • createCompiler

      public Compiler createCompiler()
      Create a "Compiler" object based on some init param data. This is not done yet. Right now we're just hardcoding the actual compilers that are created.
      the Java compiler wrapper
    • createCompiler

      protected Compiler createCompiler(String className)
    • getCompiler

      public Compiler getCompiler()
    • resolveRelativeUri

      public String resolveRelativeUri(String uri)
      Get the full value of a URI relative to this compilations context uses current file as the base.
      uri - The relative URI
      absolute URI
    • getResourceAsStream

      public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String res)
      Gets a resource as a stream, relative to the meanings of this context's implementation.
      res - the resource to look for
      a null if the resource cannot be found or represented as an InputStream.
    • getResource

      public URL getResource(String res) throws MalformedURLException
    • getResourcePaths

      public Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path)
    • getRealPath

      public String getRealPath(String path)
      Gets the actual path of a URI relative to the context of the compilation.
      path - The webapp path
      the corresponding path in the filesystem
    • getTagFileJar

      public Jar getTagFileJar()
      Returns the JAR file in which the tag file for which this JspCompilationContext was created is packaged, or null if this JspCompilationContext does not correspond to a tag file, or if the corresponding tag file is not packaged in a JAR.
      a JAR file
    • setTagFileJar

      public void setTagFileJar(Jar tagJar)
    • getServletClassName

      public String getServletClassName()
      Just the class name (does not include package name) of the generated class.
      the class name
    • setServletClassName

      public void setServletClassName(String className)
    • getJspFile

      public String getJspFile()
      Path of the JSP URI. Note that this is not a file name. This is the context rooted URI of the JSP file.
      the path to the JSP
    • getLastModified

      public Long getLastModified(String resource)
    • getLastModified

      public Long getLastModified(String resource, Jar tagJar)
    • isTagFile

      public boolean isTagFile()
    • getTagInfo

      public TagInfo getTagInfo()
    • setTagInfo

      public void setTagInfo(TagInfo tagi)
    • isPrototypeMode

      public boolean isPrototypeMode()
      true if we are compiling a tag file in prototype mode. ie we only generate codes with class for the tag handler with empty method bodies.
    • setPrototypeMode

      public void setPrototypeMode(boolean pm)
    • getServletPackageName

      public String getServletPackageName()
      Package name for the generated class is made up of the base package name, which is user settable, and the derived package name. The derived package name directly mirrors the file hierarchy of the JSP page.
      the package name
    • getDerivedPackageName

      protected String getDerivedPackageName()
    • getBasePackageName

      public String getBasePackageName()
      The base package name into which all servlet and associated code is generated
    • setBasePackageName

      public void setBasePackageName(String basePackageName)
      The package name into which the servlet class is generated.
      basePackageName - The package name to use
    • getServletJavaFileName

      public String getServletJavaFileName()
      Full path name of the Java file into which the servlet is being generated.
    • getOptions

      public Options getOptions()
      the Options object for this context.
    • getServletContext

      public ServletContext getServletContext()
    • getRuntimeContext

      public JspRuntimeContext getRuntimeContext()
    • getJavaPath

      public String getJavaPath()
      the path of the Java file relative to the work directory.
    • getClassFileName

      public String getClassFileName()
    • getWriter

      public ServletWriter getWriter()
      the writer that is used to write the generated Servlet source.
    • setWriter

      public void setWriter(ServletWriter writer)
    • getTldResourcePath

      public TldResourcePath getTldResourcePath(String uri)
      Gets the 'location' of the TLD associated with the given taglib 'uri'.
      uri - The taglib URI
      An array of two Strings: The first element denotes the real path to the TLD. If the path to the TLD points to a jar file, then the second element denotes the name of the TLD entry in the jar file. Returns null if the given uri is not associated with any tag library 'exposed' in the web application.
    • keepGenerated

      public boolean keepGenerated()
      true if generated code is kept.
    • incrementRemoved

      public void incrementRemoved()
    • isRemoved

      public boolean isRemoved()
    • compile

    • load

      public Class<?> load() throws JasperException
    • getFQCN

      public String getFQCN()
    • checkOutputDir

      public void checkOutputDir()
    • makeOutputDir

      protected boolean makeOutputDir()
    • createOutputDir

      protected void createOutputDir()
    • isPathSeparator

      protected static final boolean isPathSeparator(char c)
    • canonicalURI

      protected static final String canonicalURI(String s)