Interface ClientAuth

All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientAuthContext, ClientAuthModule

public interface ClientAuth
  • Method Details

    • secureRequest

      AuthStatus secureRequest(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject clientSubject) throws AuthException
      Secure (authenticate) the request.
      messageInfo - The associated request and response
      clientSubject - The subject that represents the source of the request
      An AuthStatus instance that represents the result of the authentication
      AuthException - If the a failure occurred in a manner that prevented the failure from being communicated via messageInfo
    • validateResponse

      default AuthStatus validateResponse(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject clientSubject, Subject serviceSubject) throws AuthException
      Validate a response.
      messageInfo - The associated request and response
      clientSubject - The subject that represents the recipient of the response
      serviceSubject - The subject that represents the source of the response
      An AuthStatus instance that represents the result of the validation
      AuthException - If the a failure occurred in a manner that prevented the failure from being communicated via messageInfo
    • cleanSubject

      default void cleanSubject(MessageInfo messageInfo, Subject subject) throws AuthException
      Remove principals and/or credentials from the subject that were previously added by this authentication mechanism.
      messageInfo - The associated request and response
      subject - The subject to clean
      AuthException - If the a failure occurred