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MemParse uses the SAX Parser to parse a memory buffer containing XML statements, and reports the number of elements and attributes found.

Running MemParse

This program uses the SAX Parser to parse a memory buffer containing XML statements, and reports the number of elements and attributes found.

The following parameters may be set from the command line

    MemParse [options]

This program uses the SAX Parser to parse a memory buffer
containing XML statements, and reports the number of
elements and attributes found.

    -v=xxx      Validation scheme [always | never | auto*].
    -n          Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off.
    -s          Enable schema processing. Defaults to off.
    -f          Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off.
    -?          Show this help.

  * = Default if not provided explicitly.

-v=always will force validation
-v=never will not use any validation
-v=auto will validate if a DOCTYPE declaration or a schema declaration is present in the XML document

Here is a sample output from MemParse

MemParse -v=always

The output is the following:

Finished parsing the memory buffer containing the following XML statements:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ascii'?>
<!DOCTYPE company [
<!ELEMENT company     (product,category,developedAt)>
<!ELEMENT product     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT category    (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST category idea CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT developedAt (#PCDATA)>

  <category idea='great'>XML Parsing Tools</category>
    IBM Center for Java Technology, Silicon Valley, Cupertino, CA

Parsing took 10 ms (4 elements, 1 attributes, 16 spaces, 95 characters).

Running MemParse with the validating parser gives a different result because ignorable white-space is counted separately from regular characters.

MemParse -v=never

The output is the following:

Finished parsing the memory buffer containing the following XML statements:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ascii'?>
<!DOCTYPE company [
<!ELEMENT company     (product,category,developedAt)>
<!ELEMENT product     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT category    (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST category idea CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT developedAt (#PCDATA)>

  <category idea='great'>XML Parsing Tools</category>
    IBM Center for Java Technology, Silicon Valley, Cupertino, CA

Parsing took 10 ms (4 elements, 1 attributes, 0 spaces, 111 characters).

Note that the sum of spaces and characters in both versions is the same.

NoteThe time reported by the system may be different, depending on your processor speed.

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