Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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AttributesImpl Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for AttributesImpl:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanVector<AttributeVectorEntryExtended*> AttributesImpl::AttributesVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AttributesImpl::AttributesImpl MemoryManagerType &theManager  XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR  )  [explicit]

virtual AttributesImpl::~AttributesImpl  )  [virtual]

AttributesImpl::AttributesImpl const AttributesImpl theSource,
MemoryManagerType theManager

AttributesImpl::AttributesImpl const AttributesType theSource,
MemoryManagerType theManager

Member Function Documentation

void AttributesImpl::addAttribute const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localName,
const XMLCh *  qname,
const XMLCh *  type,
const XMLCh *  value

Adds an attribute to the attribute list.

Does not check for duplicates.

uri attribute namespace URI
localName attribute local name
qname attribute qname
type attribute type, "CDATA," for example
value attribute value

void AttributesImpl::addAttribute const XMLCh *  qname,
const XMLCh *  type,
const XMLCh *  value

Adds an attribute to the attribute list.

Does not check for duplicates.

qname attribute qname
type attribute type, "CDATA," for example
value attribute value

virtual void AttributesImpl::clear  )  [virtual]

Remove all attributes from the list.

virtual int AttributesImpl::getIndex const XMLCh *const  qname  )  const [virtual]

virtual int AttributesImpl::getIndex const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localName
const [virtual]

virtual unsigned int AttributesImpl::getLength  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getLocalName const unsigned int  index  )  const [virtual]

MemoryManagerType& AttributesImpl::getMemoryManager  ) 

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getQName const unsigned int  index  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getType const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localName
const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getType const XMLCh *const  qname  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getType const unsigned int  index  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getURI const unsigned int  index  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getValue const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  localName
const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getValue const XMLCh *const  qname  )  const [virtual]

virtual const XMLCh* AttributesImpl::getValue const unsigned int  index  )  const [virtual]

AttributesImpl& AttributesImpl::operator= const AttributesType theRHS  ) 

AttributesImpl& AttributesImpl::operator= const AttributesImpl theRHS  ) 

virtual bool AttributesImpl::removeAttribute const XMLCh *  qname  )  [virtual]

Removes an attribute from the attribute list.

qname attribute qname

void AttributesImpl::reserve unsigned int  theCount  ) 

Reserve room for the given number of attributes.

theCount The number to reserve

void AttributesImpl::swap AttributesImpl theOther  ) 

Swap the contents of two instances.

This must _never_ throw an exception.

thOther The instance with which to swap.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.