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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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DOMServices Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for DOMServices:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Static Public Member Functions

Static Public Attributes

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef void(FormatterListener::* DOMServices::MemberFunctionPtr)(const XMLCh* const, const unsigned int)

Member Function Documentation

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::getLocalNameOfNode const XalanNode n  )  [static]

Retrieve local name of node, taking into account the differences between the DOM and XSLT data models.

node DOM node whose name is returned
name of node without namespace

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::getNameOfNode const XalanElement element  )  [static]

Retrieve the name of the node, taking into account the differences between the DOM and XSLT data models.

attr DOM element node whose name is returned
name of the node

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::getNameOfNode const XalanAttr attr  )  [static]

Retrieve the name of the node, taking into account the differences between the DOM and XSLT data models.

attr DOM attribute node whose name is returned
name of the node

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::getNameOfNode const XalanNode n  )  [static]

Retrieve the name of the node, taking into account the differences between the DOM and XSLT data models.

node DOM node whose name is returned
name of the node

const XalanDOMString* DOMServices::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMChar *  theName,
const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver,
bool  isAttribute,
XalanDOMString thePrefix

Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix, using the supplied name, and PrefixResolver.

The routine also returns the prefix.

theName The name that contains the prefix
thePrefixResolver The PrefixResolver to use
isAttribute If true, special rules for attributes are used
thePrefix The prefix
URI corresponding to namespace

const XalanDOMString* DOMServices::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix,
const XalanElement namespaceContext

Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix.

prefix prefix for a namespace
namespaceContext DOM element representing the context for namespace
URI corresponding to namespace

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::getNamespaceOfNode const XalanNode n  )  [static]

Retrieve the namespace of the node, taking into account the differences between the DOM and XSLT data models.

node DOM node whose namespace is returned
namespace of the node

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanText text,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

node DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanProcessingInstruction pi,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

pi DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanElement element,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

element DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanDocumentFragment documentFragment,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

documentFragment DOM node whose data is to be sent
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanDocument document,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

document DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanComment comment,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

comment DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanAttr attribute,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

attribute DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
fRaw Whether or not the data should be sent raw.

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanNode node,
FormatterListener formatterListener,
MemberFunctionPtr  function

Sends the data for a node to a FormatterListener.

node DOM node whose data is to be returned
formatterListener the FormatterListener instance to receive the data
function A pointer to the member function of FormatterListener to call

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanText text,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

node DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanProcessingInstruction pi,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

pi DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanElement element,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

element DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanDocumentFragment documentFragment,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

documentFragment DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanDocument document,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

document DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanComment comment,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

comment DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanAttr attribute,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

attribute DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

void DOMServices::getNodeData const XalanNode node,
XalanDOMString data

Retrieves data for node.

node DOM node whose data is to be returned
data a string to which the node's data will be appended

XalanNode* DOMServices::getParentOfNode const XalanNode node  )  [static]

Retrieve the parent of a node.

This function has to be implemented, because the DOM WG decided that attributes don't have parents.

node child node
parent node

void DOMServices::initialize MemoryManagerType theManager  )  [static]

Initialize static data.

Must be called before any other functions are called.

bool DOMServices::isNamespaceDeclaration const XalanAttr n  )  [static]

Determine whether or not an attribute node is declaring a namespace.

node DOM node to check
true if the attribute is declaring a namespace, false if not.

bool DOMServices::isNodeAfter const XalanNode node1,
const XalanNode node2

Determine if a node is after another node, in document order.

node1 The first node
node2 The second node
true if node1 one is after node2, or false if it is not.

bool DOMServices::isNodeAfterSibling const XalanNode parent,
const XalanNode child1,
const XalanNode child2

Determine if a node is after another node in the sibling list.

parent The parent of the nodes.
node1 The first node
node2 The second node
true if node1 one is after node2, or false if it is not.

void DOMServices::terminate  )  [static]

Destroy static data.

After thus function is called, no other functions can be called.

Member Data Documentation

const XalanDOMString DOMServices::s_emptyString [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespace [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceLength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespacePrefix [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespacePrefixLength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespacePrefixURI [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespacePrefixURILength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceSeparatorString [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceSeparatorStringLength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceURI [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceURILength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceWithSeparator [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLNamespaceWithSeparatorLength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLString [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLStringLength [static]

const XalanDOMString& DOMServices::s_XMLStringWithSeparator [static]

const XalanDOMString::size_type& DOMServices::s_XMLStringWithSeparatorLength [static]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.