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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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FormatterToXMLBase Class Reference

FormatterToXML_UTF8 formats SAX-style events into XML. More...

Inheritance diagram for FormatterToXMLBase:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for FormatterToXMLBase:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Protected Types

Protected Member Functions

Static Protected Member Functions

Protected Attributes

Static Protected Attributes

Detailed Description

FormatterToXML_UTF8 formats SAX-style events into XML.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanVector<bool> FormatterToXMLBase::BoolStackType

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [protected]

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FormatterToXMLBase::FormatterToXMLBase Writer writer,
const XalanDOMString version,
const XalanDOMString mediaType,
const XalanDOMString doctypeSystem,
const XalanDOMString doctypePublic,
bool  xmlDecl,
const XalanDOMString standalone,
MemoryManagerType &theManager  XALAN_DEFAULT_MEMMGR


writer the writer.
version the string to write for the XML version number.
mediaType media type (MIME content type) of the data
doctypeSystem system identifier to be used in the document type declaration
doctypePublic public identifier to be used in the document type declaration
xmlDecl true if the XSLT processor should output an XML declaration
standalone The string the XSLT processor should output for the standalone document declaration

virtual FormatterToXMLBase::~FormatterToXMLBase  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::cdata const XMLCh *const  ch,
const unsigned int  length

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::characters const XMLCh *const  chars,
const unsigned int  length

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::charactersRaw const XMLCh *const  chars,
const unsigned int  length
[pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

bool FormatterToXMLBase::childNodesWereAdded  )  [protected]

Determine if an element ever had any children added.

true if the children were added, false if not.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::comment const XMLCh *const  data  )  [pure virtual]

Called when a Comment is to be constructed.

data pointer to comment data

Implements FormatterListener.

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

unsigned int FormatterToXMLBase::decodeUTF16SurrogatePair XalanDOMChar  theHighSurrogate,
XalanDOMChar  theLowSurrogate,
MemoryManagerType theManager
[static, protected]

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::endDocument  )  [virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::endElement const XMLCh *const  name  )  [pure virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::entityReference const XMLCh *const  name  )  [pure virtual]

Receive notification of a entityReference.

data pointer to characters from the XML document

Implements FormatterListener.

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::flushBuffer  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

void FormatterToXMLBase::flushWriter  )  [protected]

void FormatterToXMLBase::generateDoctypeDecl const XalanDOMChar *  name  )  [protected]

virtual const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getDoctypePublic  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from FormatterListener.

virtual const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getDoctypeSystem  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from FormatterListener.

virtual const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getEncoding  )  const [pure virtual]

Reimplemented from FormatterListener.

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getMediaType  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from FormatterListener.

MemoryManagerType& FormatterToXMLBase::getMemoryManager  ) 

bool FormatterToXMLBase::getShouldWriteXMLHeader  )  const

const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getStandalone  )  const

const XalanDOMString& FormatterToXMLBase::getVersion  )  const

virtual Writer* FormatterToXMLBase::getWriter  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from FormatterListener.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::ignorableWhitespace const XMLCh *const  chars,
const unsigned int  length

bool FormatterToXMLBase::isUTF16HighSurrogate XalanDOMChar  theChar  )  [static, protected]

bool FormatterToXMLBase::isUTF16LowSurrogate XalanDOMChar  theChar  )  [static, protected]

bool FormatterToXMLBase::markParentForChildren  )  [protected]

Mark the parent element as having a child.

If this is the first child, return true, otherwise, return false. This allows the child element to determine if the parent tag has already been closed.

true if the parent element has not been previously marked for children.

void FormatterToXMLBase::openElementForChildren  )  [protected]

Open an element for possibile children.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::outputNewline  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

bool FormatterToXMLBase::outsideDocumentElement  )  const [protected]

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::processingInstruction const XMLCh *const  target,
const XMLCh *const  data

Implements FormatterListener.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::resetDocument  )  [virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::setDocumentLocator const LocatorType *const  locator  )  [virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

void FormatterToXMLBase::setShouldWriteXMLHeader bool  b  ) 

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::startDocument  )  [virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::startElement const XMLCh *const  name,
AttributeListType attrs
[pure virtual]

Implements FormatterListener.

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

void FormatterToXMLBase::throwInvalidCharacterException unsigned int  ch,
MemoryManagerType theManager
[static, protected]

Throw an exception when an invalid character is encountered.

ch The first character in the surrogate
next The next character in the surrogate

void FormatterToXMLBase::throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException XalanDOMChar  ch,
XalanDOMChar  next,
MemoryManagerType theManager
[static, protected]

Throw an exception when an invalid surrogate is encountered.

ch The first character in the surrogate
next The next character in the surrogate

void FormatterToXMLBase::throwInvalidUTF16SurrogateException XalanDOMChar  ch,
MemoryManagerType theManager
[static, protected]

Throw an exception when an invalid surrogate is encountered.

ch The first character in the surrogate

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::writeCDATA const XMLCh *  chars,
unsigned int  length
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::writeCharacters const XMLCh *  chars,
unsigned int  length
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::writeDoctypeDecl const XalanDOMChar *  name  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::writeProcessingInstruction const XMLCh *  target,
const XMLCh *  data
[protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

virtual void FormatterToXMLBase::writeXMLHeader  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in FormatterToXML_UTF16, and FormatterToXML_UTF8.

Member Data Documentation

const XalanDOMString FormatterToXMLBase::m_doctypePublic [protected]

The public ID for the doc type.

const XalanDOMString FormatterToXMLBase::m_doctypeSystem [protected]

The System ID for the doc type.

const XalanDOMString FormatterToXMLBase::m_mediaType [protected]

The media type.

Not used right now.

const XalanDOMChar* FormatterToXMLBase::m_newlineString [protected]

The string of characters that represents the newline.

XalanDOMString::size_type FormatterToXMLBase::m_newlineStringLength [protected]

The length of the the string of characters that represents the newline.

bool FormatterToXMLBase::m_nextIsRaw [protected]

Tell if the next text should be raw.

bool FormatterToXMLBase::m_spaceBeforeClose [protected]

Add space before '/>' for XHTML.

const XalanDOMString FormatterToXMLBase::m_standalone [protected]

Text for standalone part of header.

const XalanDOMString FormatterToXMLBase::m_version [protected]

Tells the XML version, for writing out to the XML decl.

Writer* FormatterToXMLBase::m_writer [protected]

The writer.

const XalanDOMChar FormatterToXMLBase::s_specialChars[] [static, protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.