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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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NamespacesHandler Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for NamespacesHandler:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanMap<const XalanDOMString*, const XalanDOMString*> NamespacesHandler::NamespaceAliasesMapType

typedef XalanVector<NamespaceExtended> NamespacesHandler::NamespaceExtendedVectorType

typedef XalanQName::NamespacesStackType NamespacesHandler::NamespacesStackType

typedef XalanVector<Namespace> NamespacesHandler::NamespacesVectorType

typedef XalanQName::NamespaceVectorType NamespacesHandler::NamespaceVectorType

typedef XalanVector<const XalanDOMString*> NamespacesHandler::XalanDOMStringPointerVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NamespacesHandler::NamespacesHandler MemoryManagerType theManager  )  [explicit]

Create a default, empty instance.

NamespacesHandler::NamespacesHandler StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const NamespacesHandler stylesheetNamespacesHandler,
const NamespacesStackType theCurrentNamespaces,
const XalanDOMString theXSLTNamespaceURI

Create an instance namespace handler using the current namespaces in effect.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
stylesheetNamespacesHandler The stylesheet's handler.
theCurrentNamespaces The stack of active namespace declarations.
theXSLTNamespaceURI The namespace URI for XSLT.

NamespacesHandler::~NamespacesHandler  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void NamespacesHandler::addExtensionNamespaceURI StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMString theURI

Add a URI as an extension namespace prefixes.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
theURI The namespace URI.

void NamespacesHandler::clear  ) 

Clear out the handler.

void NamespacesHandler::copyNamespaceAliases const NamespacesHandler parentNamespacesHandler  ) 

Copy the aliases from the given NamespacesHandler.

parentNamespacesHandler The parent handler.

const XalanDOMString* NamespacesHandler::getNamespace const XalanDOMString thePrefix  )  const

Get the namespace URI for the given prefix.

thePrefix The namespace prefix.
The namespace URI

const XalanDOMString* NamespacesHandler::getNamespaceAlias const XalanDOMString theStylesheetNamespace  )  const

Get the namespace alias URI for the given namespace.

theStylesheetNamespace The namespace as declared in the stylesheet.
The namespace alias URI

NamespaceExtendedVectorType::size_type NamespacesHandler::getNamespaceDeclarationsCount  )  const

NamespacesHandler& NamespacesHandler::operator= const NamespacesHandler theRHS  ) 

void NamespacesHandler::outputResultNamespaces StylesheetExecutionContext theExecutionContext,
bool  supressDefault = false

Output the result tree namespace declarations.

theExecutionContext The current execution context.
supressDefault If true, any default namespace declaration will not be output.

void NamespacesHandler::postConstruction StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
bool  fProcessNamespaceAliases = true,
const XalanDOMString theElementName = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr()),
const NamespacesHandler parentNamespacesHandler = 0,
const PrefixChecker prefixChecker = 0

Notify the instance that the stylesheet is fully constructed.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
fProcessNamespaceAliases If true, process any namespace aliases
theElementName The name of the owning element.
parentNamespacesHandler The parent handler, if any.
prefixChecker A pointer to a PrefixChecker instance to use, if any.

void NamespacesHandler::processExcludeResultPrefixes StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMChar *  theValue,
const NamespacesStackType theCurrentNamespaces

Process an exclude-result-prefixes attribute.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
theValue The attribute's value.
theCurrentNamespaces The stack of active namespace declarations.

void NamespacesHandler::processExtensionElementPrefixes StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMChar *  theValue,
const NamespacesStackType theCurrentNamespaces

Process an extension-element-prefixes attribute.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
theValue The attribute's value.
theCurrentNamespaces The stack of active namespace declarations.

void NamespacesHandler::setNamespaceAlias StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMString theStylesheetNamespace,
const XalanDOMString theResultNamespace

Set the namespace alias URI for the given namespace.

theConstructionContext The current construction context.
theStylesheetNamespace The namespace as declared in the stylesheet.
theResultNamespace The namespace as it should appear in the result tree.

bool NamespacesHandler::shouldExcludeResultNamespaceNode const XalanDOMString theXSLTNamespaceURI,
const XalanDOMString theURI

Determine of a given namespace should be excluded.

theXSLTNamespaceURI The namespace URI for XSLT.
theURI The namespace URI.
true of the namespace should be excluded, false if not.

void NamespacesHandler::swap NamespacesHandler theOther  ) 

Swap the contents of this instance with another.

theOther The other instance.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.