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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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NodeSortKey Class Reference

Simple data structure class for use by the NodeSorter class. More...

Collaboration diagram for NodeSortKey:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

Simple data structure class for use by the NodeSorter class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NodeSortKey::NodeSortKey ExecutionContext executionContext,
const XPath selectPat,
bool  treatAsNumbers,
bool  descending,
XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder  caseOrder,
const XalanDOMString langValue,
const PrefixResolver resolver

Construct a node sort key.

executionContext current execution context
selectPat XPath for selection
treatAsNumbers treat as numeric values if true
descending sort in descending order if true
caseOrder case sort order enum
langValue language
resolver resolver for namespace resolution

NodeSortKey::NodeSortKey  ) 

NodeSortKey::NodeSortKey const NodeSortKey theSource  ) 

NodeSortKey::~NodeSortKey  ) 

Member Function Documentation

XalanCollationServices::eCaseOrder NodeSortKey::getCaseOrder  )  const

Get the enumeration value for the case order.

sort upper case before lower case if true

bool NodeSortKey::getDescending  )  const

Whether to sort in descending order.

sort in descending order if true

const XalanDOMString& NodeSortKey::getLanguageString  )  const

const PrefixResolver* NodeSortKey::getPrefixResolver  )  const

Retrieve the resolver for namespaces.

object for namespace resolution

const XPath* NodeSortKey::getSelectPattern  )  const

Retrieve the selection XPath.

XPath for selection

bool NodeSortKey::getTreatAsNumbers  )  const

Whether to treat values as numbers.

treat as numeric values if true

NodeSortKey& NodeSortKey::operator= const NodeSortKey theRHS  ) 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.