Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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ProblemListenerDefault Class Reference

The implementation of the default error handling for Xalan. More...

Inheritance diagram for ProblemListenerDefault:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ProblemListenerDefault:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The implementation of the default error handling for Xalan.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ProblemListenerDefault::ProblemListenerDefault MemoryManagerType theManager,
PrintWriter pw = 0

virtual ProblemListenerDefault::~ProblemListenerDefault  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

PrintWriter* ProblemListenerDefault::getPrintWriter  )  const

void ProblemListenerDefault::problem PrintWriter pw,
eProblemSource  where,
eClassification  classification,
const XalanNode sourceNode,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode,
const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanDOMChar *  uri,
int  lineNo,
int  charOffset

virtual void ProblemListenerDefault::problem eProblemSource  where,
eClassification  classification,
const XalanNode sourceNode,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode,
const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanDOMChar *  uri,
int  lineNo,
int  charOffset

Function that is called when a problem event occurs.

classification either MESSAGE, ERROR or WARNING
sourceNode source tree node where the problem occurred (may be 0)
styleNode style tree node where the problem occurred (may be 0)
msg string message explaining the problem.
uri the URI of the document where the problem occurred. May be 0.
lineNo line number where the problem occurred.
charOffset character offset where the problem.

Implements ProblemListener.

virtual void ProblemListenerDefault::setPrintWriter PrintWriter pw  )  [virtual]

Set the print writer to which the problem is reported.

pw writer to receive messages

Implements ProblemListener.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.