Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XPathConstructionContext Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for XPathConstructionContext:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Public Attributes

Detailed Description

David N. Bertoni

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XPathConstructionContext::XPathConstructionContext MemoryManagerType theManager  ) 

virtual XPathConstructionContext::~XPathConstructionContext  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void XPathConstructionContext::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode,
const LocatorType locator
const [pure virtual]

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

virtual XalanDOMString& XPathConstructionContext::getCachedString  )  [pure virtual]

Get a cached string for temporary use.

A reference to the string

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

MemoryManagerType& XPathConstructionContext::getMemoryManager  ) 

virtual const XalanDOMString& XPathConstructionContext::getPooledString const XalanDOMChar *  theString,
XalanDOMString::size_type  theLength = XalanDOMString::npos
[pure virtual]

Get a pooled string given the source character array.

If the string already exists in the pool, no copy will be made. If not, a copy will be made and kept for later use.

theString The source character array
theLength The length of the character array
a const reference to a pooled string.

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

virtual const XalanDOMString& XPathConstructionContext::getPooledString const XalanDOMString theString  )  [pure virtual]

Get a pooled string given the source string.

If the string already exists in the pool, no copy will be made. If not, a copy will be made and kept for later use.

theString The source string
a const reference to a pooled string.

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathConstructionContext::releaseCachedString XalanDOMString theString  )  [pure virtual]

Return a cached string.

theString The string to release.
true if the string was released successfully.

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathConstructionContext::reset  )  [pure virtual]

Reset the instance.

Any existing objects created by the instance will be destroyed.

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathConstructionContext::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode,
const LocatorType locator
const [pure virtual]

Implemented in XPathConstructionContextDefault, StylesheetConstructionContext, and StylesheetConstructionContextDefault.

Member Data Documentation

MemoryManagerType& XPathConstructionContext::m_memoryManager

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
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