Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XPathExecutionContext Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for XPathExecutionContext:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XPathExecutionContext:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Protected Attributes

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef NodeRefListBase::size_type XPathExecutionContext::size_type

typedef XalanVector<XObjectPtr> XPathExecutionContext::XObjectArgVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XPathExecutionContext::XPathExecutionContext MemoryManagerType m_memoryManager,
XObjectFactory theXObjectFactory = 0

virtual XPathExecutionContext::~XPathExecutionContext  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual MutableNodeRefList* XPathExecutionContext::borrowMutableNodeRefList  )  [pure virtual]

Borrow a cached MutableNodeRefList instance.

A pointer to the instance.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual MutableNodeRefList* XPathExecutionContext::createMutableNodeRefList MemoryManagerType theManager  )  const [pure virtual]

Create a MutableNodeRefList with the appropriate context.

pointer to node list created

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::elementAvailable const XalanDOMString theName,
const LocatorType locator
const [pure virtual]

Determine if an external element is available by resolving a string to a QName.

theName The name of the element
locator A LocatorType instance for error reporting
whether the given element is available or not

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::elementAvailable const XalanQName theQName  )  const [pure virtual]

Determine if an external element is available.

theQName The QName of the element
whether the given element is available or not

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const LocatorType locator = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report an error and throw an exception.

msg The text of the message.
sourceNode The source node where the error occurred. May be 0.
locator A Locator to determine where the error occurred. May be 0.

Implements ExecutionContext.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const XObjectPtr XPathExecutionContext::extFunction const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName,
XalanNode context,
const XObjectArgVectorType argVec,
const LocatorType locator
[pure virtual]

Handle an extension function.

theNamespace namespace of function
functionName extension function name
context The context node
argVec vector of arguments to function
locator A LocatorType instance for error reporting
pointer to XObject result

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const XalanDOMString& XPathExecutionContext::findURIFromDoc const XalanDocument owner  )  const [pure virtual]

Given a DOM Document, tell what URI was used to parse it.

Needed for relative resolution.

owner source document
document URI

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::formatNumber double  number,
const XalanDOMString pattern,
const XalanDOMString dfsName,
XalanDOMString theResult,
const XalanNode context = 0,
const LocatorType locator = 0
[pure virtual]

Formats a number according to the specified pattern.

number the number to be formatted
pattern the format pattern
dfsName the name of decimal format to use
theResult the formatted number
context the source node
locator the locator
a pointer to the functor, 0 if none was found

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::formatNumber double  number,
const XalanDOMString pattern,
XalanDOMString theResult,
const XalanNode context = 0,
const LocatorType locator = 0
[pure virtual]

Formats a number according to the specified pattern.

number the number to be formatted
pattern the format pattern
theResult the formatted number
context the source node
locator the locator

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::functionAvailable const XalanDOMString theName,
const LocatorType locator
const [pure virtual]

Determine if a function is available.

theName The name of the function
locator A LocatorType instance for error reporting
whether the function is available or not

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::functionAvailable const XalanQName theQName  )  const [pure virtual]

Determine if a function is available.

theQName The QName of the function
whether the function is available or not

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual XalanDOMString& XPathExecutionContext::getCachedString  )  [pure virtual]

Get a cached string for temporary use.

A reference to the string

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const NodeRefListBase& XPathExecutionContext::getContextNodeList  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the node list for current context.

node list

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual size_type XPathExecutionContext::getContextNodeListLength  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual size_type XPathExecutionContext::getContextNodeListPosition const XalanNode contextNode  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual XalanNode* XPathExecutionContext::getCurrentNode  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the node currently being executed.

current node

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const XalanDOMString* XPathExecutionContext::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the URI corresponding to a namespace prefix.

prefix prefix for a namespace
URI corresponding to namespace

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::getNodeSetByKey XalanDocument doc,
const XalanDOMString name,
const XalanDOMString ref,
const LocatorType locator,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist
[pure virtual]

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

doc source document
name name of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key. Will be resolved to a qname using the provided resolver.
ref value that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
locator The LocatorType to use for error reporting. Can be 0.
nodelist A node list to contain the nodes found

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::getNodeSetByKey XalanDocument doc,
const XalanQName qname,
const XalanDOMString ref,
MutableNodeRefList nodelist
[pure virtual]

Given a valid element key, return the corresponding node list.

doc source document
name qname of the key, which must match the 'name' attribute on xsl:key
ref value that must match the value found by the 'match' attribute on xsl:key
nodelist A node list to contain the nodes found

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const PrefixResolver* XPathExecutionContext::getPrefixResolver  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the resolver for namespaces.

object for namespace resolution

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual XalanDocument* XPathExecutionContext::getSourceDocument const XalanDOMString theURI  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the document associated with the given URI.

theURI document URI
a pointer to the document instance, if any.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const XalanDOMString& XPathExecutionContext::getUnparsedEntityURI const XalanDOMString theName,
const XalanDocument theDocument
const [pure virtual]

The getUnparsedEntityURI function returns the URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name in the same document as the context node (see [3.3 Unparsed Entities]).

It returns the empty string if there is no such entity.

theName name of entity
theDocument document containing entity
URI for the entity

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual const XObjectPtr XPathExecutionContext::getVariable const XalanQName name,
const LocatorType locator = 0
[pure virtual]

Given a name, locate a variable in the current context, and return a pointer to the object.

theName name of variable
An XObjectPtr instance. If the variable is not found, an exception is thrown, or the routine returns an instance of XUnknown.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

XObjectFactory& XPathExecutionContext::getXObjectFactory  )  const

Retrieve the factory object for creating XObjects.

factory object instance

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::isNodeAfter const XalanNode node1,
const XalanNode node2
const [pure virtual]

Determine if a node is after another node, in document order.

node1 The first node
node2 The second node
true if node1 one is after node2, or false if it is not.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::message const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const LocatorType locator = 0
const [pure virtual]

Output a message.

msg The text of the message.
sourceNode The source node where the message occurred. May be 0.
locator A Locator to determine where the message occurred. May be 0.

Implements ExecutionContext.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual XalanDocument* XPathExecutionContext::parseXML MemoryManagerType theManager,
const XalanDOMString urlString,
const XalanDOMString base
const [pure virtual]

Provides support for XML parsing service.

urlString location of the XML
base base location for URI
parsed document

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::popContextNodeList  )  [pure virtual]

Pop the node list for current context.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::popCurrentNode  )  [pure virtual]

Reset the node currently being executed.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::pushContextNodeList const NodeRefListBase theList  )  [pure virtual]

Push the node list for current context.

theList new node list

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::pushCurrentNode XalanNode theCurrentNode  )  [pure virtual]

Change the node currently being executed.

theCurrentNode new current node

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::releaseCachedString XalanDOMString theString  )  [pure virtual]

Return a cached string.

theString The string to release.
true if the string was released successfully.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::reset  )  [pure virtual]

Reset the instance.

This must be called before another execution is attempted.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::returnMutableNodeRefList MutableNodeRefList theList  )  [pure virtual]

Return a previously borrowed MutableNodeRefList instance.

theList A pointer the to previously borrowed instance.
true if the list was borrowed (at therefore, destroyed), false if not.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::setPrefixResolver const PrefixResolver thePrefixResolver  )  [pure virtual]

Change the resolver for namespaces.

thePrefixResolver new object for namespace resolution

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::setSourceDocument const XalanDOMString theURI,
XalanDocument theDocument
[pure virtual]

Associate a document with a given URI.

theURI document URI
theDocument source document

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual bool XPathExecutionContext::shouldStripSourceNode const XalanText node  )  [pure virtual]

Tells, through the combination of the default-space attribute on xsl:stylesheet, xsl:strip-space, xsl:preserve-space, and the xml:space attribute, whether or not extra whitespace should be stripped from the node.

Literal elements from template elements should not be tested with this function.

textNode text node from the source tree
true if the text node should be stripped of extra whitespace

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

virtual void XPathExecutionContext::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const LocatorType locator = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report a warning.

msg The text of the message.
sourceNode The source node where the warning occurred. May be 0.
locator A Locator to determine where the warning occurred. May be 0.

Implements ExecutionContext.

Implemented in XPathExecutionContextDefault, StylesheetExecutionContext, and StylesheetExecutionContextDefault.

Member Data Documentation

XObjectFactory* XPathExecutionContext::m_xobjectFactory [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.