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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XalanDOMStringPool Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for XalanDOMStringPool:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XalanDOMStringPool:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanDOMStringAllocator XalanDOMStringPool::AllocatorType

typedef AllocatorType::size_type XalanDOMStringPool::block_size_type

typedef size_t XalanDOMStringPool::bucket_count_type

typedef XalanDOMStringHashTable::bucket_size_type XalanDOMStringPool::bucket_size_type

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XalanDOMStringPool::XalanDOMStringPool MemoryManagerType theManager,
block_size_type  theBlockSize = eDefaultBlockSize,
bucket_count_type  theBucketCount = eDefaultBucketCount,
bucket_size_type  theBucketSize = eDefaultBucketSize

Create a string pool.

theBlockSize The block size for the allocator.
theBucketCount The number of buckets to use for the hash table. This should be a prime number for best results.
theBucketSize The initial size of each bucket in the hash table.

virtual XalanDOMStringPool::~XalanDOMStringPool  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void XalanDOMStringPool::clear  )  [virtual]

Clear the pool.

Reimplemented in XercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool.

XalanDOMStringPool* XalanDOMStringPool::create MemoryManagerType theManager,
block_size_type  theBlockSize = eDefaultBlockSize,
bucket_count_type  theBucketCount = eDefaultBucketCount,
bucket_size_type  theBucketSize = eDefaultBucketSize

virtual const XalanDOMString& XalanDOMStringPool::get const XalanDOMChar *  theString,
XalanDOMString::size_type  theLength = XalanDOMString::npos

Get a pooled string.

If the string is not pooled, it is added.

theString The string to pool.
theLength The length of the string. If XalanDOMString::npos, the string is assumed to be null-terminated.
a const reference to the pooled string.

Reimplemented in XercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool.

virtual const XalanDOMString& XalanDOMStringPool::get const XalanDOMString theString  )  [virtual]

Get a pooled string.

If the string is not pooled, it is added.

theString The string to pool.
a const reference to the pooled string.

Reimplemented in XercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool.

const XalanDOMStringHashTable& XalanDOMStringPool::getHashTable  )  const

Get a reference to the pool's hash table.

Useful for diagnostic purposes.

a const reference to the hash table.

const MemoryManagerType& XalanDOMStringPool::getMemoryManager  )  const

MemoryManagerType& XalanDOMStringPool::getMemoryManager  ) 

virtual size_t XalanDOMStringPool::size  )  const [virtual]

Get the number of strings in the pool.

the size of the pool.

Reimplemented in XercesLiaisonXalanDOMStringPool.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.