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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XalanDecimalFormatSymbols Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for XalanDecimalFormatSymbols:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::XalanDecimalFormatSymbols MemoryManagerType theManager  )  [explicit]

XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::XalanDecimalFormatSymbols const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols theSource,
MemoryManagerType theManager

XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::~XalanDecimalFormatSymbols  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const XalanDOMString& XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getCurrencySymbol  )  const

Retrieve the string denoting the local currency, "$", for example.

string used for local currency

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getDecimalSeparator  )  const

Retrieve the character used for decimal sign, '.' for example.

character used for decimal sign

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getDigit  )  const

Retrieve character used for a digit in a pattern.

character used for a digit in a pattern

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getGroupingSeparator  )  const

Retrieve the character used for thousands separator, "," for example.

character used for thousands separator

const XalanDOMString& XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getInfinity  )  const

Retrieve the string used to represent infinity.

string used to represent infinity

const XalanDOMString& XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getInternationalCurrencySymbol  )  const

Retrieve the international string denoting the local currency.

international string denoting the local currency

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getMinusSign  )  const

Retrieve the character used to represent minus sign.

character used to represent minus sign

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getMonetaryDecimalSeparator  )  const

Retrieve the monetary decimal separator.

character used to separate decimal portion of currency

const XalanDOMString& XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getNaN  )  const

Retrieve the string used for a numeric value that cannot be represented as a number.

string representing "not a number" value

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getPatternSeparator  )  const

Retrieve the character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns in a pattern.

character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getPercent  )  const

Retrieve the character used for percent sign, "%," for example.

character used for percent sign

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getPerMill  )  const

Retrieve the character used for per thousand sign.

character used for per thousand sign

XalanDOMChar XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::getZeroDigit  )  const

Retrieve the character used for zero.

character used for zero

bool XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::operator!= const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols theRHS  )  const

XalanDecimalFormatSymbols& XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::operator= const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols theRHS  ) 

bool XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::operator== const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols theRHS  )  const

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setCurrencySymbol const XalanDOMChar *  theCurrencySymbol  ) 

Sets the string denoting the local currency, "$", for example.

theCurrencySymbol symbol used for local currency

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setCurrencySymbol const XalanDOMString theCurrencySymbol  ) 

Sets the string denoting the local currency, "$", for example.

theCurrencySymbol symbol used for local currency

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setDecimalSeparator XalanDOMChar  theDecimalSeparator  ) 

Sets the character used for decimal sign, '.' for example.

theDecimalSeparator character used for decimal sign

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setDigit XalanDOMChar  theDigit  ) 

Sets the character used for a digit in a pattern.

theDigit character used for a digit in a pattern

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setGroupingSeparator XalanDOMChar  theGroupingSeparator  ) 

Sets the character used for thousands separator, "," for example.

theGroupingSeparator character used for thousands separator

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setInfinity const XalanDOMChar *  theInfinity  ) 

Sets the string used to represent infinity.

theInfinity string used to represent infinity

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setInfinity const XalanDOMString theInfinity  ) 

Sets the string used to represent infinity.

theInfinity string used to represent infinity

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setInternationalCurrencySymbol const XalanDOMChar *  theInternationalCurrencySymbol  ) 

Sets the international string denoting the local currency.

theInternationalCurrencySymbol international string denoting the local currency

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setInternationalCurrencySymbol const XalanDOMString theInternationalCurrencySymbol  ) 

Sets the international string denoting the local currency.

theInternationalCurrencySymbol international string denoting the local currency

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setMinusSign XalanDOMChar  theMinusSign  ) 

Sets the character used to represent minus sign.

theMinusSign character used to represent minus sign

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setMonetaryDecimalSeparator XalanDOMChar  theMonetaryDecimalSeparator  ) 

Sets the monetary decimal separator.

theMonetaryDecimalSeparator character used to separate decimal portion of currency

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setNaN const XalanDOMChar *  theNaN  ) 

Sets the string used for a numeric value that cannot be represented as a number.

theNaN string representing "not a number" value

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setNaN const XalanDOMString theNaN  ) 

Sets the string used for a numeric value that cannot be represented as a number.

theNaN string representing "not a number" value

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setPatternSeparator XalanDOMChar  thePatternSeparator  ) 

Sets the character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns in a pattern.

thePatternSeparator character used to separate positive and negative subpatterns

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setPercent XalanDOMChar  thePercent  ) 

Sets the character used for percent sign, "%," for example.

thePercent character used for percent sign

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setPerMill XalanDOMChar  thePerMill  ) 

Sets the character used for per thousand sign.

thePerMill character used for per thousand sign

void XalanDecimalFormatSymbols::setZeroDigit XalanDOMChar  theZeroDigit  ) 

Sets the character used for zero.

theZeroDigit character used for zero

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.