Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef ArenaAllocator<ObjectType> XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::ArenaAllocatorType

typedef ObjectType::IndexType XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::IndexType

typedef XalanSourceTreeAttrNS XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::ObjectType

typedef ArenaAllocatorType::size_type XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::size_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator MemoryManagerType theManager,
size_type  theBlockCount

Construct an instance that will allocate blocks of the specified size.

theBlockSize The block size.

XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::~XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator  ) 

Member Function Documentation

ObjectType* XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::create const XalanDOMString theName,
const XalanDOMString theLocalName,
const XalanDOMString theNamespaceURI,
const XalanDOMString thePrefix,
const XalanDOMString theValue,
XalanSourceTreeElement theOwnerElement = 0,
IndexType  theIndex = 0

Create an instance.

theName The name of the attribute
theLocalName The local name of the attribute
theNamespaceURI The namespace URI of the attribute
thePrefix The namespace prefix of the attribute
theValue The value of the attribute
theOwnerElement The element that owns the instance
theIndex The document-order index of the node.
pointer to the instance

size_type XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::getBlockCount  )  const

Get size of an ArenaBlock, that is, the number of objects in each block.

The size of the block

size_type XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::getBlockSize  )  const

Get the number of ArenaBlocks currently allocated.

The number of blocks.

void XalanSourceTreeAttributeNSAllocator::reset  ) 

Delete all objects from allocator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

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Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.