Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XalanTransformer Class Reference

This is a simple C++ interface for some common usage patterns. More...

Collaboration diagram for XalanTransformer:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

This is a simple C++ interface for some common usage patterns.

It's the user's responsibility to call initialize and terminate for Xerces and Xalan before creating and after deleting any XalanTransformer instances.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanVector<const XalanCompiledStylesheet*> XalanTransformer::CompiledStylesheetPtrVectorType

typedef XALAN_STD_QUALIFIER pair<XalanQNameByValue*, Function*> XalanTransformer::FunctionPairType

typedef XalanVector<FunctionPairType> XalanTransformer::FunctionParamPairVectorType

typedef XALAN_STD_QUALIFIER pair<XalanDOMString*, XalanDOMString*> XalanTransformer::ParamPairType

typedef XalanVector<ParamPairType> XalanTransformer::ParamPairVectorType

typedef XalanVector<const XalanParsedSource*> XalanTransformer::ParsedSourcePtrVectorType

typedef std::ostream XalanTransformer::StreamType

typedef XalanVector<TraceListener*> XalanTransformer::TraceListenerVectorType

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum XalanTransformer::eEscapeURLs

Enums to determine whether or not run-time escaping of URLs has been set.

Enumeration values:

enum XalanTransformer::eOmitMETATag

Enums to determine whether or not run-time omission of the META tag has been set.

Relevant only for HTML output

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XalanTransformer::XalanTransformer MemoryManagerType theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()  ) 

virtual XalanTransformer::~XalanTransformer  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void XalanTransformer::addTraceListener TraceListener theTraceListener  ) 

Add a TraceListener instance.

TraceListeners instances are preserved between calls to transform(), so they will be called until they are removed.

theTraceListener The instance to add.

int XalanTransformer::compileStylesheet const XSLTInputSource theStylesheetSource,
const XalanCompiledStylesheet *&  theCompiledStylesheet

Creates a compiled stylesheet.

The input source can be a file name, a stream or a root node. The XalanTransformer instance owns the XalanCompiledStylesheet instance and will delete it when the XalanTransformer instance goes out of scope, or you explicitly call destroyStylesheet(). You must not delete the instance yourself.

theStylesheetSource input source
theCompiledStylesheet a reference to a pointer to a XalanCompileStylesheet.
0 for success

XalanDocumentBuilder* XalanTransformer::createDocumentBuilder const XalanDOMString theURI = XalanDOMString(XalanMemMgrs::getDummyMemMgr())  ) 

Create a document builder.

Using the document builder, you can construct a document using SAX2 interfaces. The XalanTransformer instance owns the document builder and will delete it when the XalanTransformer instance goes out of scope, or you explicitly call destroyDocumentBuilder(). You must not delete the instance yourself.

theURI The base URI for the document instance.
a pointer to a XalanDocumentBuilder instance or 0 for failure.

void XalanTransformer::destroyDocumentBuilder XalanDocumentBuilder theDocumentBuilder  ) 

Destroy a document builder created by a previous call to createDocumentBuilder().

Passing a pointer that is not created by a call to createDocumentBuilder() can result in undefined behavior.

theDocumentBuilder The document builder to destroy.

int XalanTransformer::destroyParsedSource const XalanParsedSource theParsedSource  ) 

Destroy a parsed source created by a previous call to parseSource().

theParsedSource The XalanParsedSource instance to destroy.
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::destroyStylesheet const XalanCompiledStylesheet theStylesheet  ) 

Destroy a XalanCompiledStylesheet instance created by a previous call to compileStylesheet().

theStylesheet The instance to destroy.
0 for success

EntityResolverType* XalanTransformer::getEntityResolver  )  const

This method returns the installed entity resolver.

The pointer to the installed entity resolver object.

ErrorHandlerType* XalanTransformer::getErrorHandler  )  const

This method returns the installed error handler.

The pointer to the installed error handler object.

eEscapeURLs XalanTransformer::getEscapeURLs  )  const

Get the value for run-time escaping of URLs.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

The value of the enum

const XalanDOMChar* XalanTransformer::getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation  )  const

This method returns the location for an external schema document for parsing.

A string representing the location of the external schema document

const XalanDOMChar* XalanTransformer::getExternalSchemaLocation  )  const

This method returns the location for an external schema document for parsing.

A string representing the location of the external schema document

int XalanTransformer::getIndent  )  const

Get the current number of spaces to indent.

number of spaces

const char* XalanTransformer::getLastError  )  const

Returns the last error that occurred as a result of calling transform.

error message const character pointer.

MemoryManagerType& XalanTransformer::getMemoryManager  ) 

eOmitMETATag XalanTransformer::getOmitMETATag  )  const

Get the value for run-time omission of the META tag.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

The value of the enum

const XalanDOMString& XalanTransformer::getOutputEncoding  )  const

Get the current output encoding, if any.

Note this is not the output encoding specified in a stylesheet. Rather, it can override that encoding, if the

A string containing the current encoding

bool XalanTransformer::getPoolAllTextNodes  )  const

This member functions gets the flag to determine of a default parsed source tree will pool the values of all of the text nodes in the XML document.

The boolean value for the flag.

ProblemListener* XalanTransformer::getProblemListener  )  const

This method returns the installed ProblemListener instance.

The pointer to the installed ProblemListener instance.

bool XalanTransformer::getUseValidation  )  const

Set a flag to indicate whether or not the source file(s) for the transformation will be validated.

fValue the new value for the flag.

StreamType* XalanTransformer::getWarningStream  )  const

Get the current warning stream ostream instance.

A pointer to the instance. Can be 0.

void XalanTransformer::ICUCleanUp  )  [static]

Clean up the ICU, if ICU integration is enabled.

This should be called only once per process after calling XalanTransformer::terminate() and XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate.

This must only be done if the ICU will no longer be used by the process, since the ICU will no longer be in a usable state. See the ICU documentation for more details.

This call is not thread-safe, so you must serialize any calls to it, and you must track the initialization state, so you do not call it more than once.

This is handy when using leak-detection software, as all static data allocated by the ICU is freed.

void XalanTransformer::ICUStartUp MemoryManagerType theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()  )  [static]

void XalanTransformer::initialize MemoryManagerType theManager = XalanMemMgrs::getDefaultXercesMemMgr()  )  [static]

Initialize Xalan.

Should be called only once per process before creating any instances of XalanTransformer. This call is not thread-safe, so you must serialize any calls to it, and you must track the initialization state, so you do not call it more than once.

void XalanTransformer::installExternalFunction const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName,
const Function function

Install an external function in the local space.

theNamespace The namespace for the functionl
functionName The name of the function.
function The function to install.

void XalanTransformer::installExternalFunctionGlobal const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName,
const Function function

Install an external function in the global space.

theNamespace The namespace for the functionl
functionName The name of the function.
function The function to install.

int XalanTransformer::parseSource const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
const XalanParsedSource *&  theParsedSource,
bool  useXercesDOM = false

Parse a source XML document.

The input source can be a file name, a stream or a root node. The XalanTransformer instance owns the XalanParsedSource instance and will delete it when the XalanTransformer instance goes out of scope, or you explicitly call destroyParsedSource(). You must not delete the instance yourself.

theInputSource input source
theParsedSource a reference to a pointer to a XalanParsedSource.
useXercesDOM input use default or xerces DOM source tree
0 for success

bool XalanTransformer::removeTraceListener TraceListener theTraceListener  ) 

Remove a TraceListener instance.

theTraceListener The instance to remove.
true if the instance was removed, false if not.

void XalanTransformer::removeTraceListeners  ) 

Remove all TraceListener instances.

void XalanTransformer::setEntityResolver EntityResolverType theResolver  ) 

This method installs the user-specified entity resolver.

It allows applications to trap and redirect calls to external entities.

handler A pointer to the entity resolver to be called when the parser comes across references to entities in the XML file.

void XalanTransformer::setErrorHandler ErrorHandlerType theErrorHandler  ) 

This method installs the user-specified error handler.

handler A pointer to the error handler to be called upon error.

void XalanTransformer::setEscapeURLs eEscapeURLs  value  ) 

Set the value for run-time escaping of URLs.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

value The value of the enum

void XalanTransformer::setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation const XalanDOMChar *  location  ) 

This method sets the location for an external schema document for parsing.

location A string representing the location of the external schema document

void XalanTransformer::setExternalSchemaLocation const XalanDOMChar *  location  ) 

This method sets the location for an external schema document for parsing.

location A string representing the location of the external schema document

void XalanTransformer::setIndent int  indentAmount  ) 

Set the current number of spaces to indent.

indentAmount The number of spaces to indent. Use -1 for the default amount.

void XalanTransformer::setOmitMETATag eOmitMETATag  value  ) 

Get the value for run-time omission of the META tag.

This can override the property specified by the stylesheet. The default behavior is to honor the property in the stylesheet.

value The value of the enum

void XalanTransformer::setOutputEncoding const XalanDOMString theEncoding  ) 

Set the current output encoding.

Note this will override the encoding specified in the stylesheet, if the encoding is available. However, it will not override any encoding specified by an XSLTResultTarget parameter to one of the transform() member functions.

theEncoding The encoding to use.

void XalanTransformer::setPoolAllTextNodes bool  fPool  ) 

This member functions sets the flag to determine of a default parsed source tree will pool the values of all of the text nodes in the XML document.

This can result in significant memory savings if there are lots of repeated values in text nodes.

fPool The boolean value for the flag.

void XalanTransformer::setProblemListener ProblemListener theProblemListener  ) 

This method installs the user-specified ProblemListener instance.

handler A pointer to the ProblemListener to be called when a problem occurs.

void XalanTransformer::setStylesheetParam const char *  key,
const char *  expression

Set a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable. These values are cleared after a call to transform().

key name of the param
expression expression that will be evaluated

void XalanTransformer::setStylesheetParam const XalanDOMString key,
const XalanDOMString expression

Set a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable. These values are cleared after a call to transform().

key name of the param
expression expression that will be evaluated

void XalanTransformer::setUseValidation bool  fValue  ) 

Set a flag to indicate whether or not the source file(s) for the transformation will be validated.

fValue the new value for the flag.

void XalanTransformer::setWarningStream StreamType theStream  ) 

Set the ostream instance for reporting warnings and messages.

The default is std::cerr. If set to 0, no warnings or messages will be written. If there is a user-installed ProblemListener instance, this is not used, as all such warnings and messages are handled by the user's ProblemListener.

theStream A pointer to the ostream instance.

void XalanTransformer::terminate  )  [static]

Terminate Xalan.

Should be called only once per process after deleting all instances of XalanTransformer. This call is not thread-safe, so you must serialize any calls to it, and you must track the initialization state, so you do not call it more than once.

This is handy when using leak-detection software, as all static data allocated by Xalan is freed.

int XalanTransformer::transform const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
void *  theOutputHandle,
XalanOutputHandlerType  theOutputHandler,
XalanFlushHandlerType  theFlushHandler = 0

Transform will apply the stylesheet provided as a PI in the XML of the input source and write the transformation result to a callback function in pre-allocated blocks.

The input source can be a file name, a stream or a root node. Upon termination, Xalan releases any allocated memory. Data passed to the callback is not guaranteed to be null terminated.

theInputSource input source
theOutputHandle void pointer passed through to callback.
theOutputHandler a user defined callback function.
theFlushHandler an optional user-defined callback function.
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XalanParsedSource theParsedSource,
const XalanCompiledStylesheet theCompiledStylesheet,
void *  theOutputHandle,
XalanOutputHandlerType  theOutputHandler,
XalanFlushHandlerType  theFlushHandler = 0

Transform will apply the compiled stylesheet to the source and write the transformation result to a callback function in pre-allocated blocks.

The input source can be a file name, a stream or a root node. Upon termination, Xalan releases any allocated memory. Data passed to the callback is not guaranteed to be null terminated.

theParsedSource Parsed source instance
theCompiledStylesheet pointer to a compiled stylesheet. Must not be null.
theOutputHandle void pointer passed through to callback.
theOutputHandler a user defined callback function.
theFlushHandler An optional user-defined callback function.
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
const XalanCompiledStylesheet theCompiledStylesheet,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the compiled stylesheet to the input source and write the transformation output to the target.

The input source and result target can be a file name, a stream or a root node.

theInputSource input source
theCompiledStylesheet pointer to a compiled stylesheet. Must not be null.
theResultTarget output source
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
const XSLTInputSource theStylesheetSource,
void *  theOutputHandle,
XalanOutputHandlerType  theOutputHandler,
XalanFlushHandlerType  theFlushHandler = 0

Transform will apply the stylesheet source to the input source and write the transformation result to a callback function in pre-allocated blocks.

The input source can be a file name, a stream or a root node. Upon termination, Xalan releases any allocated memory. Data passed to the callback is not guaranteed to be null terminated.

theInputSource input source
theStylesheetSource stylesheet source
theOutputHandle void pointer passed through to callback.
theOutputHandler a user defined (callback) function.
theFlushHandler (optional) a user defined (callback) function.
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the stylesheet provided as a PI in the XML of the input source and write the transformation output to the target.

The input source and result target can be a file name, a stream or a root node.

theInputSource input source
theResultTarget output source tree
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XSLTInputSource theInputSource,
const XSLTInputSource theStylesheetSource,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the stylesheet source to the input source and write the transformation output to the target.

The input source and result target can be a file name, a stream or a root node.

theInputSource input source
theStylesheetSource stylesheet source
theResultTarget output source
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XalanParsedSource theParsedXML,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the stylesheet provided as a PI in the XML of the parsed xml source and write the transformation output to the target.

theParsedXML the parsed input source
theResultTarget output source tree
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XalanParsedSource theParsedXML,
const XalanCompiledStylesheet theCompiledStylesheet,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the compiled stylesheet to the parsed xml source and write the transformation output to the target.

theParsedXML the parsed input source
theCompiledStylesheet pointer to a compiled stylesheet. Must not be null.
theResultTarget output source
0 for success

int XalanTransformer::transform const XalanParsedSource theParsedXML,
const XSLTInputSource theStylesheetSource,
const XSLTResultTarget theResultTarget

Transform will apply the stylesheet source to the parsed xml source and write the transformation output to the target.

theParsedXML the parsed input source
theStylesheetSource stylesheet source
theResultTarget output source
0 for success

void XalanTransformer::uninstallExternalFunction const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName

Uninstall an external local function.

theNamespace The namespace for the function
functionName The name of the function.

void XalanTransformer::uninstallExternalFunctionGlobal const XalanDOMString theNamespace,
const XalanDOMString functionName

Uninstall an external global function.

theNamespace The namespace for the function
functionName The name of the function.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class EnsureReset [friend]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.