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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XalanXMLFileReporter Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for XalanXMLFileReporter:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef FILE XalanXMLFileReporter::FileHandleType

typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, XalanDOMString> XalanXMLFileReporter::Hashtable

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XalanXMLFileReporter::XalanXMLFileReporter MemoryManagerType theManager,
const XalanDOMString fileName

Member Function Documentation

void XalanXMLFileReporter::addMetricToAttrs char *  desc,
double  theMetric,
Hashtable attrs

bool XalanXMLFileReporter::checkError  ) 

void XalanXMLFileReporter::close  ) 

XalanDOMString& XalanXMLFileReporter::escapestring const XalanDOMString s,
XalanDOMString buffer

Escapes a XalanDOMString to remove <, >, ', &, and " so it's valid XML.

Stolen mostly from Xalan applet sample.

s XalanDOMString to escape.
XalanDOMString that has been escaped.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::flush  ) 

const XalanDOMString& XalanXMLFileReporter::getFileName  )  const

bool XalanXMLFileReporter::getFlushOnCaseClose  ) 

MemoryManagerType& XalanXMLFileReporter::getMemoryManager  ) 

bool XalanXMLFileReporter::initialize MemoryManagerType theManager  ) 

bool XalanXMLFileReporter::isReady  ) 

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logArbitraryMessage int  level,
const XalanDOMString msg

Report an arbitrary XalanDOMString to result file with specified severity.

Appends and prepends \n newline characters at the start and end of the message to separate it from the tags.

Record format: <arbitrary level="##"><BR/> msg<BR/> </arbitrary>

level severity or class of message.
msg arbitrary XalanDOMString to log out.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckAmbiguous const XalanDOMString comment  ) 

Writes out an ambiguous record with comment.

Record format: <checkresult result="AMBG" desc="comment"/>

comment comment to log with the ambg record.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckErr const XalanDOMString comment  ) 

Writes out a Error record with comment.

Record format: <checkresult result="ERRR" desc="comment"/>

comment comment to log with the error record.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckFail const XalanDOMString test,
const Hashtable actexp

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckFail const XalanDOMString test,
const Hashtable faildata,
const Hashtable actexp

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckFail const XalanDOMString comment  ) 

Writes out a Fail record with comment.

Record format: <checkresult result="FAIL" desc="comment"/>

comment comment to log with the fail record.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logCheckPass const XalanDOMString comment  ) 

Writes out a Pass record with comment.

Record format: <checkresult result="PASS" desc="comment"/>

comment comment to log with the pass record.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logElement const XalanDOMString element,
const XalanDOMString msg

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logElement int  level,
const XalanDOMString element,
const XalanDOMString msg

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logElementWAttrs int  level,
const char *  element,
Hashtable attrs,
const char *  msg

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logElementWAttrs int  level,
const XalanDOMString element,
Hashtable attrs,
const XalanDOMString msg

Logs out a element to results with specified severity.

Uses user-supplied element name and attribute list. Currently attribute values and msg are forced .toString(). Also, 'level' is forced to be the first attribute of the element.

level severity of message.
element name of enclosing element
attrs hash of name=value attributes; note that the caller must ensure they're legal XML
msg comment to log out.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logErrorResult const XalanDOMString test,
const XalanDOMString reason

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logMessage int  level,
const XalanDOMString msg

Report a comment to result file with specified severity.

Record format: <message level="##">msg</message>

level severity or class of message.
msg comment to log out.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logStatistic int  level,
long  lVal,
double  dVal,
const char *  msg

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logStatistic int  level,
long  lVal,
double  dVal,
const XalanDOMString msg

Logs out statistics to result file with specified severity.

Record format: <statistic level="##" desc="msg"><longval>1234</longval><doubleval>1.234</doubleval></statistic>

level severity of message.
lVal statistic in long format.
dVal statistic in double format.
msg comment to log out.

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestCaseClose const char *  msg,
const char *  result

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestCaseClose const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanDOMString result

Report that a testcase has finished, and report it's result.

msg message to log out
result result of testfile

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestCaseInit const char *  msg  ) 

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestCaseInit const XalanDOMString msg  ) 

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestFileClose const char *  msg,
const char *  result

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestFileClose const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanDOMString result

Report that a testfile has finished, and report it's result.

msg message to log out
result result of testfile

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestFileInit const char *  msg  ) 

void XalanXMLFileReporter::logTestFileInit const XalanDOMString msg  ) 

Report that a testfile has started.

msg message to log out

void XalanXMLFileReporter::setFileName const char *  fileName,
MemoryManagerType theManager

void XalanXMLFileReporter::setFileName const XalanDOMString fileName  ) 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.