Class SortFns

  extended by org.apache.crunch.lib.sort.SortFns

public class SortFns
extends Object

A set of DoFns that are used by Crunch's Sort library.

Nested Class Summary
static class SortFns.AvroGenericFn<V extends Tuple>
          Pulls a composite set of keys from an Avro GenericRecord instance.
static class SortFns.KeyExtraction<V extends Tuple>
          Utility class for encapsulating key extraction logic and serialization information about key extraction.
static class SortFns.SingleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K>
          Extracts a single indexed key from a Tuple instance.
static class SortFns.TupleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K extends Tuple>
          Extracts a composite key from a Tuple instance.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<S> org.apache.avro.Schema
createOrderedTupleSchema(PType<S> ptype, Sort.ColumnOrder[] orders)
          Constructs an Avro schema for the given PType<S> that respects the given column orderings.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SortFns()
Method Detail


public static <S> org.apache.avro.Schema createOrderedTupleSchema(PType<S> ptype,
                                                                  Sort.ColumnOrder[] orders)
Constructs an Avro schema for the given PType<S> that respects the given column orderings.

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