Class EmbeddedXADataSource

  extended byorg.apache.derby.jdbc.ReferenceableDataSource
      extended byorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource
          extended byorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.sql.DataSource, javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory, javax.naming.Referenceable,, javax.sql.XADataSource

public class EmbeddedXADataSource
extends EmbeddedDataSource
implements javax.sql.XADataSource

EmbeddedXADataSource is Cloudscape's XADataSource implementation.

An XADataSource is a factory for XAConnection objects. It represents a RM in a DTP environment. An object that implements the XADataSource interface is typically registered with a JNDI service provider.

EmbeddedXADataSource automatically supports the correct JDBC specification version for the Java Virtual Machine's environment.

EmbeddedXADataSource object only works on a local database. There is no client/server support. An EmbeddedXADataSource object must live in the same jvm as the database.

EmbeddedXADataSource is serializable and referenceable.

See EmbeddedDataSource for DataSource properties.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource
Constructor Summary
          no-arg constructor
Method Summary
 javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection()
          Attempt to establish a database connection.
 javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection(java.lang.String user, java.lang.String password)
          Attempt to establish a database connection with the given user name and password.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource
equals, getAttributesAsPassword, getConnection, getConnection, getConnectionAttributes, getCreateDatabase, getShutdownDatabase, setAttributesAsPassword, setConnectionAttributes, setCreateDatabase, setShutdownDatabase
Methods inherited from class org.apache.derby.jdbc.ReferenceableDataSource
getDatabaseName, getDataSourceName, getDescription, getLoginTimeout, getLogWriter, getObjectInstance, getPassword, getReference, getUser, setDatabaseName, setDataSourceName, setDescription, setLoginTimeout, setLogWriter, setPassword, setUser
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.XADataSource
getLoginTimeout, getLogWriter, setLoginTimeout, setLogWriter
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.DataSource
getLoginTimeout, getLogWriter, setLoginTimeout, setLogWriter

Constructor Detail


public EmbeddedXADataSource()
no-arg constructor

Method Detail


public final javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection()
                                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Attempt to establish a database connection.

Specified by:
getXAConnection in interface javax.sql.XADataSource
a Connection to the database
java.sql.SQLException - if a database-access error occurs.


public final javax.sql.XAConnection getXAConnection(java.lang.String user,
                                                    java.lang.String password)
                                             throws java.sql.SQLException
Attempt to establish a database connection with the given user name and password.

Specified by:
getXAConnection in interface javax.sql.XADataSource
user - the database user on whose behalf the Connection is being made
password - the user's password
a Connection to the database
java.sql.SQLException - if a database-access error occurs.

Apache Derby 10.0 API Documentation - Copyright © 1997,2004 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.