The derby.user.UserName property caches user DNs locally when derby.authentication.provider is set to LDAP and derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter is set to derby.user.
See derby.authentication.provider and derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter for more information.
When you provide a user DN with this property, Derby is able to avoid an LDAP search for that user's DN before authenticating. For those users without DNs defined with this property, Derby performs a search using the default value of derby.authentication.ldap.searchFilter.
User names are SQLIdentifiers and can be delimited.
-- database-level property
-- system-level property derby.user.Diana=uid=Diana,ou=People, -- database-level property CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY( 'derby.user.richard', 'uid=richard, ou=People,')
Dynamic; the change takes effect immediately. For information about dynamic changes to properties, see Dynamic and static properties.