The property specifies whether thread dump information and extended diagnostic information are created, and at what level, in the event of a system crash or session error.
If errors have a severity level greater than or equal to the value of the property, thread dump and diagnostic information will appear in the derby.log file. In addition, with IBM Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), a javacore file with additional information is created.
To allow the information to be dumped to the log, you must grant two permissions to Derby in your security policy file. See "Configuring Java security" in the Derby Security Guide.
Any error raised in a Derby system is given a level of severity. This property indicates the minimum severity necessary for an error to appear in the log file. The severities are defined in the class org.apache.derby.types.ExceptionSeverity. The higher the number, the more severe the error.
Errors that cause the statement to be rolled back, such as syntax errors and constraint violations.
Errors that cause the transaction to be rolled back, such as deadlocks.
Errors that cause the session to be closed.
Errors that cause the database to be closed.
Errors that shut down the Derby system.
// send errors of level 30000 and higher to the log
This property is static; if you change it while Derby is running, the change does not take effect until you reboot.