Interface RecordMapper<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the class to map from and to a database record
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BigDecimalMapper, CompositeMapper, DateMapper, IntegerMapper, LongMapper, ObjectListMapper, StringMapper

public interface RecordMapper<T>
extends Serializable

Maps an object to a database record and back. This means that the object can be read from a database resultSet and that it can produce PreparedStatements which insert or update the record in the the database.

$Id: 1388656 2012-09-21 19:59:16Z tfischer $

Method Summary
 T processRow(ResultSet resultSet, int rowOffset)
          Constructs the object from the current row in the resultSet.

Method Detail


T processRow(ResultSet resultSet,
             int rowOffset)
             throws TorqueException
Constructs the object from the current row in the resultSet. Implementing methods can be sure that the resultSet contains a row, but they must only operate on the current row, i.e they must not call

resultSet - the resultSet to operate on, already pointing to the correct row. Not null.
rowOffset - a possible offset in the rows to be considered (if previous rows contain other objects).
the mapped object, not null.
TorqueException - when the mapping fails.

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