Package org.apache.torque.util



Interface Summary
TransactionManager Torque's interface to the transaction management sytsem.

Class Summary
BasePeer Deprecated. This class is not used any more as base class for the generated Peer classes and will be removed in a future version of Torque.
BasePeerImpl<T> This is the base class for all Peer classes in the system.
ColumnValues A class containing values for database columns.
CountHelper Counts entries matching a criteria.
Criteria Deprecated. This class will be removed in a future version of Torque.
JdbcTypedValue A value plus its JDBC type.
LargeSelect<T> This class can be used to retrieve a large result set from a database query.
ListOrderedMapCI A subclass of the Apache Commons ListOrderedMap that has case insensitive String key methods.
SummaryHelper A utility to help produce aggregate summary information about a table.
Transaction Encapsulates transaction and connection handling within Torque.
TransactionManagerImpl Standard connection and transaction management for Torque.
UniqueColumnList List with unique entries.
UniqueList<T> List with unique entries.

Package org.apache.torque.util Description

Misc. utility classes.

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