SolrRequest.METHOD method
String path
ResponseParser responseParser
DocumentObjectBinder binder
CoreContainer coreContainer
String coreName
SolrRequestParsers _parser
String _baseURL
ModifiableSolrParams _invariantParams
ResponseParser _parser
RequestWriter requestWriter
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient _httpClient
boolean _followRedirects
boolean _allowCompression
int _maxRetries
boolean useMultiPartPost
If set to false, add the query parameters as URL-encoded parameters to the POST request in a single part. If set to true, create a new part of a multi-part request for each parameter. The reason for adding all parameters as parts of a multi-part request is that this allows us to specify the charset -- standards for single-part requests specify that non-ASCII characters should be URL-encoded, but don't specify the charset of the characters to be URL-encoded (cf. Therefore you have to rely on your servlet container doing the right thing with single-part requests.
HttpSolrServer server
BlockingQueue<E> queue
ExecutorService scheduler
String updateUrl
Queue<E> runners
CountDownLatch lock
int threadCount
String baseUrl
ModifiableSolrParams invariantParams
ResponseParser parser
RequestWriter requestWriter
org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient
boolean followRedirects
int maxRetries
org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager ccm
boolean useMultiPartPost
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> aliveServers
CopyOnWriteArrayList<E> zombieServers
ScheduledExecutorService aliveCheckExecutor
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient httpClient
AtomicInteger counter
ReentrantLock checkLock
int interval
BlockingQueue<E> queue
ExecutorService scheduler
String updateUrl
Queue<E> runners
CountDownLatch lock
int threadCount
ModifiableSolrParams params
int commitWithin
String core
String other
CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction action
String fileName
String xml
SolrParams params
SolrParams query
ModifiableSolrParams params
String _name
long _count
FacetField _ff
String _groupValue
SolrDocumentList _result
NamedList<T> _header
SolrDocumentList _results
NamedList<T> _sortvalues
NamedList<T> _facetInfo
NamedList<T> _debugInfo
NamedList<T> _highlightingInfo
NamedList<T> _spellInfo
NamedList<T> _statsInfo
NamedList<T> _termsInfo
NamedList<T> _groupedInfo
GroupResponse _groupResponse
Map<K,V> _facetQuery
List<E> _facetFields
List<E> _limitingFacets
List<E> _facetDates
List<E> _facetRanges
Map<K,V> _highlighting
SpellCheckResponse _spellResponse
TermsResponse _termsResponse
Map<K,V> _fieldStatsInfo
Map<K,V> _debugMap
Map<K,V> _explainMap
long numFound
long start
Float maxScore
SolrParams params
SolrParams defaults
SolrParams params
MBeanServer server
String jmxRootName
String coreHashCode
AtomicInteger refCount
char delimiter
char encapsulator
char commentStart
char escape
boolean ignoreLeadingWhitespaces
boolean ignoreTrailingWhitespaces
boolean interpretUnicodeEscapes
boolean ignoreEmptyLines
String printerNewline
String field
Term prefix
String missingValueProxy
Term prefix
Similarity similarity
float queryNorm
float queryWeight
Map<K,V> context
Term term
Query q
Query q
ValueSource boostVal
FieldCache.ByteParser parser
FieldCache.DoubleParser parser
ValueSource a
ValueSource b
String field
FieldCache cache
SchemaField field
SchemaField keyField
float defVal
String dataDir
FieldCache.FloatParser parser
ValueSource func
FieldCache.IntParser parser
ValueSource source
float slope
float intercept
String string
FieldCache.LongParser parser
ValueSource[] sources
String field
Query q
float defVal
ValueSource source
float min
float max
float target
Float defaultVal
ValueSource source
float m
float a
float b
String field
ValueSource source
float min
float max
FieldCache.ShortParser parser
ValueSource source
ValueSource vs
ValueSource valueSource
String lowerVal
String upperVal
boolean includeLower
boolean includeUpper
ValueSource lat
ValueSource lon
ValueSource geoHash1
ValueSource geoHash2
double radius
double latCenter
double lonCenter
VectorValueSource p2
ValueSource latSource
ValueSource lonSource
double latCenterRad_cos
MultiValueSource p1
MultiValueSource p2
boolean convertToRadians
double radius
String name
ValueSource str1
ValueSource str2
StringDistance dist
MultiValueSource source1
MultiValueSource source2
float power
float oneOverPower
Logger log
org.slf4j.Logger log
XmlUpdateRequestHandler legacyUpdateHandler
XMLResponseWriter xmlResponseWriter
boolean hasMulticore