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How do I enable streams when debug logging messages in Camel

Available as of Camel 2.1

When you run Camel with DEBUG level as logging, it will log the messages and its content from time to time.
As some messages can contain streams, which are prone to be not readable multiple times, and therefore Camel will by default not log these types.

These instances are not logged by default

  • java.xml.transform.StreamSource

You will see this in the log as:

DEBUG ProducerCache                  - >>>> Endpoint[direct:start] Exchange[Message: [Body is instance of java.xml.transform.StreamSource]]

Here we have a message which is XML stream based.
You can customize whether Camel should log the payload anyway.

Customizing from Java DSL

You add to the Camel properties the flag to log streams.

        context.getProperties().put(Exchange.LOG_DEBUG_BODY_STREAMS, "true");

Notice default is false.

Customizing from Spring DSL

You add to the Camel properties the flag to log streams.

           <property key="CamelLogDebugBodyStreams" value="true"/>

Notice default is false.

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