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SAP NetWeaver Gateway component

Available as of Camel 2.12

The sap-netweaver integrates with the SAP NetWeaver Gateway using HTTP transports.

This camel component supports only producer endpoints.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

The URI scheme for a sap netweaver gateway component is as follows


You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...


You would need to have an account to the SAP NetWeaver system to be able to leverage this component. SAP provides a demo setup where you can requires for an account.

This component uses the basic authentication scheme for logging into SAP NetWeaver.

Component and endpoint options


Default Value




Username for account. This is mandatory.



Password for account. This is mandatory.



Whether to return data in JSON format. If this option is false, then XML is returned in Atom format.



To transform the JSON from a String to a Map in the message body.



If the JSON Map contains only a single entry, then flattern by storing that single entry value as the message body.

Message Headers

The following headers can be used by the producer.






Mandatory: The command to execute in MS ADO.Net Data Service format.


This example is using the flight demo example from SAP, which is available online over the internet here.

In the route below we request the SAP NetWeaver demo server using the following url

And we want to execute the following command


To get flight details for the given flight. The command syntax is in MS ADO.Net Data Service format.

We have the following Camel route

    .toF("sap-netweaver:%s?username=%s&password=%s", url, username, password)

Where url, username, and password is defined as:

    private String username = "P1909969254";
    private String password = "TODO";
    private String url = "";
    private String command = "FlightCollection(AirLineID='AA',FlightConnectionID='0017',FlightDate=datetime'2012-08-29T00%3A00%3A00')";

The password is invalid. You would need to create an account at SAP first to run the demo.

The velocity template is used for formatting the response to a basic HTML page

  Flight information:

  <br/>Airline ID: $body["AirLineID"]
  <br/>Aircraft Type: $body["AirCraftType"]
  <br/>Departure city: $body["FlightDetails"]["DepartureCity"]
  <br/>Departure airport: $body["FlightDetails"]["DepartureAirPort"]
  <br/>Destination city: $body["FlightDetails"]["DestinationCity"]
  <br/>Destination airport: $body["FlightDetails"]["DestinationAirPort"]


When running the application you get sampel output:

Flight information:
Airline ID: AA
Aircraft Type: 747-400
Departure city: new york
Departure airport: JFK
Destination city: SAN FRANCISCO
Destination airport: SFO
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