Apache CXF API

Interface DataReader<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the source. Each data binding defines the set of source types that it supports.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DataReaderImpl, DataReaderImpl, DataReaderImpl, ElementDataReader, NodeDataReader, StaxDataBinding.XMLStreamDataReader, XMLStreamDataReader, XMLStreamDataReader

public interface DataReader<T>
extends BaseDataReader

The 'read' side of the data binding abstraction of CXF. A DataReader<T> reads objects from a source of type T.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.cxf.databinding.BaseDataReader
Method Summary
 Object read(MessagePartInfo part, T input)
          Read an object from the input, applying additional conventions based on the WSDL message part.
 Object read(QName elementQName, T input, Class type)
          Read an object from the input.
 Object read(T input)
          Read an object from the input.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cxf.databinding.BaseDataReader
setAttachments, setProperty, setSchema

Method Detail


Object read(T input)
Read an object from the input.

input - input source object.
item read.


Object read(MessagePartInfo part,
            T input)
Read an object from the input, applying additional conventions based on the WSDL message part.

part - The message part for this item. If null, this API is equivalent to read(Object).
input - input source object.
item read.


Object read(QName elementQName,
            T input,
            Class type)
Read an object from the input. In the current version of CXF, not all binding support this API, and those that do ignore the element QName parameter.

elementQName - expected element. Generally ignored.
input - input source object.
type - the type of object required/requested. This is generally used when the caller wants to receive a raw source object and avoid any binding processing. For example, passing javax.xml.transform.Source. The bindings do not necessarily throw if they cannot provide an object of the requested type, and will apply their normal mapping processing, instead.
item read.

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF