Apache CXF API

Uses of Class

Packages that use HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass

Uses of HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass in org.apache.cxf.transport.http

Methods in org.apache.cxf.transport.http that return HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass
protected  HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass HttpBasicAuthSupplier.createUserPass(String userid, String password)
          This method is used by extensions of this class to create a UserPass to return.
abstract  HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass HttpBasicAuthSupplier.getPreemptiveUserPass(String conduitName, URL currentURL, Message message)
          The HTTPConduit makes a call to this method before connecting to the server behind a particular URL.
abstract  HttpBasicAuthSupplier.UserPass HttpBasicAuthSupplier.getUserPassForRealm(String conduitName, URL currentURL, Message message, String realm)
          The HTTPConduit makes a call to this method if it receives a 401 response to a particular URL for a given message.

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF