Apache CXF API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AddressingProperties

Uses of AddressingProperties in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing

Classes in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing that implement AddressingProperties
 class AddressingPropertiesImpl
          Abstraction of Message Addressing Properties.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing that return AddressingProperties
abstract  AddressingProperties AddressingBuilder.newAddressingProperties()
          AddressingProperties factory method.
 AddressingProperties AddressingBuilderImpl.newAddressingProperties()
          AddressingProperties factory method.

Methods in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing with parameters of type AddressingProperties
static boolean ContextUtils.hasEmptyAction(AddressingProperties maps)
          Helper method to determine if an MAPs Action is empty (a null action is considered empty, whereas a zero length action suppresses the propagation of the Action property).
static void ContextUtils.propogateReceivedMAPs(AddressingProperties inMAPs, Exchange exchange)
          Propogate inbound MAPs onto full reponse & fault messages.
static void ContextUtils.rebaseResponse(EndpointReferenceType reference, AddressingProperties inMAPs, Message inMessage)
          Rebase response on replyTo
static void ContextUtils.storeMAPs(AddressingProperties maps, Message message, boolean isOutbound)
          Store MAPs in the message.
static void ContextUtils.storeMAPs(AddressingProperties maps, Message message, boolean isOutbound, boolean isRequestor)
          Store MAPs in the message.
static void ContextUtils.storeMAPs(AddressingProperties maps, Message message, boolean isOutbound, boolean isRequestor, boolean isProviderContext)
          Store MAPs in the message.

Uses of AddressingProperties in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.soap

Methods in org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.soap that return AddressingProperties
 AddressingProperties MAPCodec.unmarshalMAPs(SoapMessage message)
          Decode the MAPs from protocol-specific headers.

Uses of AddressingProperties in org.apache.cxf.ws.rm

Methods in org.apache.cxf.ws.rm with parameters of type AddressingProperties
static void RMContextUtils.ensureExposedVersion(AddressingProperties maps)
          Ensures the appropriate version of WS-Addressing is used.
 SourceSequence RMManager.getSequence(Identifier inSeqId, Message message, AddressingProperties maps)
static void RMContextUtils.storeMAPs(AddressingProperties maps, Message message, boolean isOutbound, boolean isRequestor)
          Store MAPs in the message.

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF