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service AccessibleOLEShape
The AccessibleOLEShape service is implemented by OLE shapes.

This includes generic OLE shapes, frames, plugins, and applets.

This service supports the additional ::drafts::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleAction interface.

OLE objects are handled as place holders. While not activated the accessible OLE shape is the only indicator of the OLE objects' existence. When an OLE object has been activated then the accessbility tree representing it (as far as that is available) is included directly under the accessible document view and not under the OLE object. This is due to underlying implementation constraints and may change in the future.

Included Services
Give access to information of generic shapes.

See AccessibleShape for basic documentation and support of the ::drafts::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleContext , and ::drafts::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleComponent interfaces.

See also
Exported Interfaces
The intended purpose of the support of this interface is the activation of the accessible OLE object. This, however, is not realized at the moment. It therefore serves solely as indicator of accessible OLE objects.

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