
Apache OpenWebBeans delivers an implementation of the Contexts and Dependency injection for Java EE (CDI) 2.0 Specification (JSR-365).
OpenWebBeans is TCK compliant and the latest version works on Java SE 8 or later.

Apache OpenWebBeans is

  • Fast - we agressively use caches internally and deliver great performance
  • Modular - OpenWebBeans Core is purely JavaSE, additional EE functionality gets added via 'Modules'
  • Industry Proven - Many projects use OpenWebBeans in production.
  • Community Oriented - Please visit our mailing list and we will help you moving your project forward.

Getting Started

OpenWebBeans is packaged as modules which get activated by simply dropping them into the classpath. The below link will take you to a step-by-step guide and get you started in no time!

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Apache Meecrowave is a microprofile Server based on Apache OpenWebBeans, Tomcat, CXF and Johnzon In other words it contains all you need to run a JavaEE based Microservice from the command line - and all that in only 9 MB!

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Latest News

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.18 has been released

The Apache OpenWebBeans Team is proud to announce the release of Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.18.

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.x is an Apache License v2 licensed implementation of the JSR-365 CDI-2.0 specification.

OpenWebBeans has a modular structure and provides Dependency Injection scaling from Java SE...

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.17 has been released

The Apache OpenWebBeans Team is proud to announce the release of Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.17.

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.x is an Apache License v2 licensed implementation of the JSR-365 CDI-2.0 specification.

OpenWebBeans has a modular structure and provides Dependency Injection scaling from Java SE...

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.8 has been released

The Apache OpenWebBeans Team is proud to announce the release of Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.8.

Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.x is an Apache License v2 licensed implementation of the JSR-365 CDI-2.0 specification.

OpenWebBeans has a modular structure and provides Dependency Injection scaling from Java SE...