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Graph Member List

This is the complete list of members for Graph, including all inherited members.

AddEdge(SNode srcnode, SNode dstnode) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
AddEdge(const string &src, const string &dst) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
AddNode(string name, V origin) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
AddNode(string name) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
Check() const (defined in Graph)Graph
Graph() (defined in Graph)Graphinline
InsertBridgeNode(SNode srcnode, SNode dstnode) (defined in Graph)Graph
InsertConcateNode(const vector< SNode > &srcnodes, SNode dstnode, const V &info) (defined in Graph)Graph
InsertSliceNode(SNode srcnode, const vector< SNode > &dstnodes, const V &info, bool connect_dst=true) (defined in Graph)Graph
InsertSplitNode(SNode srcnode, const vector< SNode > &dstnodes) (defined in Graph)Graph
node(string name) const (defined in Graph)Graphinline
nodes() const (defined in Graph)Graphinline
RemoveEdge(const string &src, const string &dst) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
RemoveEdge(SNode src, SNode dst) (defined in Graph)Graphinline
Sort() (defined in Graph)Graph
topology_sort_inner(SNode node, map< string, bool > *visited, std::stack< string > *stack) (defined in Graph)Graph
ToString() const (defined in Graph)Graph
ToString(const map< string, string > &info) const (defined in Graph)Graph