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Graph Class Reference

For partition neuralnet and displaying the neuralnet structure. More...

#include <graph.h>

Public Member Functions

void Sort ()
const SNode & AddNode (string name, V origin)
const SNode & AddNode (string name)
void AddEdge (SNode srcnode, SNode dstnode)
void AddEdge (const string &src, const string &dst)
void RemoveEdge (const string &src, const string &dst)
void RemoveEdge (SNode src, SNode dst)
const vector< SNode > & nodes () const
const SNode & node (string name) const
const string ToString () const
const string ToString (const map< string, string > &info) const
bool Check () const
SNode InsertSliceNode (SNode srcnode, const vector< SNode > &dstnodes, const V &info, bool connect_dst=true)
SNode InsertConcateNode (const vector< SNode > &srcnodes, SNode dstnode, const V &info)
SNode InsertSplitNode (SNode srcnode, const vector< SNode > &dstnodes)
std::pair< SNode, SNode > InsertBridgeNode (SNode srcnode, SNode dstnode)
void topology_sort_inner (SNode node, map< string, bool > *visited, std::stack< string > *stack)

Detailed Description

For partition neuralnet and displaying the neuralnet structure.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: