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singa::ZKClusterRT Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for singa::ZKClusterRT:

Public Member Functions

 ZKClusterRT (string host, int timeout=30000)
bool Init ()
 Initialize the runtime instance.
bool sWatchSGroup (int gid, int sid, rt_callback fn, void *ctx)
 Server: watch all workers in a server group, will be notified when all workers have left.
bool wJoinSGroup (int gid, int wid, int s_group)
 Worker: join a server group (i.e. More...
bool wLeaveSGroup (int gid, int wid, int s_group)
 Worker: leave a server group (i.e. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void watcherGlobal (zhandle_t *zh, int type, int state, const char *path, void *watcherCtx)

Member Function Documentation

bool singa::ZKClusterRT::wJoinSGroup ( int  gid,
int  wid,
int  s_group 

Worker: join a server group (i.e.

start to read/update these servers)

Reimplemented from singa::ClusterRuntime.

bool singa::ZKClusterRT::wLeaveSGroup ( int  gid,
int  wid,
int  s_group 

Worker: leave a server group (i.e.

finish its all work)

Reimplemented from singa::ClusterRuntime.

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