Uses of Interface

Packages that use Extractor
org.apache.any23 TODO fillme 
org.apache.any23.extractor TODO fillme 

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23

Methods in org.apache.any23 that return types with arguments of type Extractor
 List<Extractor> ExtractionReport.getMatchingExtractors()

Constructor parameters in org.apache.any23 with type arguments of type Extractor
ExtractionReport(List<Extractor> matchingExtractors, String encoding, String detectedMimeType, ValidationReport validationReport, Map<String,Collection<ErrorReporter.Error>> extractorErrors)

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor with type parameters of type Extractor
 interface ExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>>
          Interface defining a factory for Extractor.
 class SimpleExtractorFactory<T extends Extractor<?>>
          This class is a simple and default-like implementation of ExtractorFactory.

Subinterfaces of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor
static interface Extractor.BlindExtractor
          This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle URI as input format.
static interface Extractor.ContentExtractor
          This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle InputStream as input format.
static interface Extractor.TagSoupDOMExtractor
          This interface specializes an Extractor able to handle Document as input format.

Methods in org.apache.any23.extractor with type parameters of type Extractor
<S extends Extractor<?>>
SimpleExtractorFactory.create(String name, Prefixes prefixes, Collection<String> supportedMIMETypes, String exampleInput, Class<S> extractorClass)
          Creates an instance of a ExtractorFactory serving concrete implementation instances of Extractor.

Methods in org.apache.any23.extractor that return types with arguments of type Extractor
 List<Extractor> SingleDocumentExtraction.getMatchingExtractors()

Constructors in org.apache.any23.extractor with parameters of type Extractor
ExtractionResultImpl(ExtractionContext context, Extractor<?> extractor, TripleHandler tripleHandler)

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.csv

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.csv that implement Extractor
 class CSVExtractor
          This extractor produces RDF from a CSV file .

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.html

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.html that implement Extractor
 class AdrExtractor
          Extractor for the adr microformat.
 class EntityBasedMicroformatExtractor
          Base class for microformat extractors based on entities.
 class GeoExtractor
          Extractor for the Geo microformat.
 class HCalendarExtractor
          Extractor for the hCalendar microformat.
 class HCardExtractor
          Extractor for the hCard microformat.
 class HeadLinkExtractor
          This Extractor.TagSoupDOMExtractor implementation retrieves the LINKs declared within the HTML/HEAD page header.
 class HListingExtractor
          Extractor for the hListing microformat.
 class HRecipeExtractor
          Extractor for the hRecipe microformat.
 class HResumeExtractor
          Extractor for the hResume microformat.
 class HReviewExtractor
          Extractor for the hReview microformat.
 class HTMLMetaExtractor
          This extractor represents the HTML META tag values according the HTML4 specification.
 class ICBMExtractor
          Extractor for "ICBM coordinates" provided as META headers in the head of an HTML page.
 class LicenseExtractor
          Extractor for the rel-license microformat.
 class MicroformatExtractor
          The abstract base class for any Microformat specification extractor.
 class SpeciesExtractor
          Extractor able to extract the Species Microformat.
 class TitleExtractor
          Extracts the value of the <title> element of an HTML or XHTML page.
 class TurtleHTMLExtractor
          Extractor for Turtle/N3 format embedded within HTML script tags.
 class XFNExtractor
          Extractor for the XFN microformat.

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.microdata

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.microdata that implement Extractor
 class MicrodataExtractor
          Default implementation of Microdata extractor, based on TagSoupDOMExtractor.

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.rdf

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.rdf that implement Extractor
 class BaseRDFExtractor
          Base class for a generic RDF Extractor.ContentExtractor.
 class NQuadsExtractor
          Concrete implementation of Extractor.ContentExtractor handling N-Quads format.
 class NTriplesExtractor
          Concrete implementation of Extractor.ContentExtractor handling NTriples NTriples format.
 class RDFXMLExtractor
          Concrete implementation of Extractor.ContentExtractor able to perform the extraction on RDF/XML documents.
 class TriXExtractor
          Concrete implementation of ContentExtractor to perform extraction on TriX documents.
 class TurtleExtractor
          Concrete implementation of Extractor.ContentExtractor able to perform the extraction on Turtle documents.

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.rdfa

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.rdfa that implement Extractor
 class RDFa11Extractor
          Extractor implementation for RDFa 1.1 specification.
 class RDFaExtractor
          Extractor for RDFa in HTML, based on Fabien Gadon's XSLT transform, found here.

Uses of Extractor in org.apache.any23.extractor.xpath

Classes in org.apache.any23.extractor.xpath that implement Extractor
 class XPathExtractor
          Implementation of an Extractor.TagSoupDOMExtractor able to apply XPathExtractionRules and generate quads.

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