Uses of Class

Packages that use HttpCacheEntry
org.apache.http.client.cache This package consists largely of constants and interfaces that are necessary for building new storage backends for the CachingHttpClient or for those clients wanting to get a little more behavioral information out of the cache module (for example, whether a particular response was a cache hit or not). 
org.apache.http.impl.client.cache This package contains a cache module that can be used for HTTP/1.1 client-side caching. 
org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.ehcache This package contains a storage backend based on Ehcache that can be plugged into a CachingHttpClient and used for storing cache entries. 
org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached This package contains a storage backend based on memcached that can be plugged into a CachingHttpClient and used for storing cache entries. 

Uses of HttpCacheEntry in org.apache.http.client.cache

Methods in org.apache.http.client.cache that return HttpCacheEntry
 HttpCacheEntry HttpCacheStorage.getEntry(String key)
          Retrieves the cache entry stored under the given key or null if no entry exists under that key.
 HttpCacheEntry HttpCacheEntrySerializer.readFrom(InputStream is)
          Deserializes a byte representation of a cache entry by reading from the given InputStream.
 HttpCacheEntry HttpCacheUpdateCallback.update(HttpCacheEntry existing)
          Returns the new cache entry that should replace an existing one.

Methods in org.apache.http.client.cache with parameters of type HttpCacheEntry
 void HttpCacheStorage.putEntry(String key, HttpCacheEntry entry)
          Store a given cache entry under the given key.
 HttpCacheEntry HttpCacheUpdateCallback.update(HttpCacheEntry existing)
          Returns the new cache entry that should replace an existing one.
 void HttpCacheEntrySerializer.writeTo(HttpCacheEntry entry, OutputStream os)
          Serializes the given entry to a byte representation on the given OutputStream.

Uses of HttpCacheEntry in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache that return HttpCacheEntry
 HttpCacheEntry ManagedHttpCacheStorage.getEntry(String url)
 HttpCacheEntry BasicHttpCacheStorage.getEntry(String url)
          Gets an entry from the cache, if it exists
 HttpCacheEntry DefaultHttpCacheEntrySerializer.readFrom(InputStream is)

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache with parameters of type HttpCacheEntry
 void ManagedHttpCacheStorage.putEntry(String url, HttpCacheEntry entry)
 void BasicHttpCacheStorage.putEntry(String url, HttpCacheEntry entry)
          Places a HttpCacheEntry in the cache
 void DefaultHttpCacheEntrySerializer.writeTo(HttpCacheEntry cacheEntry, OutputStream os)

Uses of HttpCacheEntry in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.ehcache

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.ehcache that return HttpCacheEntry
 HttpCacheEntry EhcacheHttpCacheStorage.getEntry(String key)

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.ehcache with parameters of type HttpCacheEntry
 void EhcacheHttpCacheStorage.putEntry(String key, HttpCacheEntry entry)

Uses of HttpCacheEntry in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached that return HttpCacheEntry
 HttpCacheEntry MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.getEntry(String url)
 HttpCacheEntry MemcachedCacheEntry.getHttpCacheEntry()
          Returns the HttpCacheEntry associated with this entry.
 HttpCacheEntry MemcachedCacheEntryImpl.getHttpCacheEntry()

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached with parameters of type HttpCacheEntry
 MemcachedCacheEntry MemcachedCacheEntryFactoryImpl.getMemcachedCacheEntry(String key, HttpCacheEntry entry)
 MemcachedCacheEntry MemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(String storageKey, HttpCacheEntry entry)
          Creates a new MemcachedCacheEntry for storing the given HttpCacheEntry under the given storage key.
 void MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.putEntry(String url, HttpCacheEntry entry)

Constructors in org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached with parameters of type HttpCacheEntry
MemcachedCacheEntryImpl(String key, HttpCacheEntry httpCacheEntry)

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