Package org.apache.http.impl.client.cache

This package contains a cache module that can be used for HTTP/1.1 client-side caching.


Interface Summary
FailureCache Increase and reset the number of errors associated with a specific identifier.
SchedulingStrategy Specifies when revalidation requests are scheduled.

Class Summary
AsynchronousValidationRequest Class used to represent an asynchronous revalidation event, such as with "stale-while-revalidate"
BasicHttpCacheStorage Basic HttpCacheStorage implementation backed by an instance of LinkedHashMap.
CacheConfig Java Beans-style configuration for a CachingHttpClient.
CachingExec Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for transparent client-side caching.
CachingHttpClient Deprecated. (4.3) use CachingHttpClientBuilder or CachingHttpClients.
CachingHttpClientBuilder Builder for CloseableHttpClient instances capable of client-side caching.
CachingHttpClients Factory methods for CloseableHttpClient instances capable of client-side caching.
DefaultFailureCache Implements a bounded failure cache.
DefaultHttpCacheEntrySerializer HttpCacheEntrySerializer implementation that uses the default (native) serialization.
ExponentialBackOffSchedulingStrategy An implementation that backs off exponentially based on the number of consecutive failed attempts stored in the AsynchronousValidationRequest.
FailureCacheValue The error count with a creation timestamp and its associated key.
FileResource Cache resource backed by a file.
FileResourceFactory Generates Resource instances whose body is stored in a temporary file.
HeapResource Cache resource backed by a byte array on the heap.
HeapResourceFactory Generates Resource instances stored entirely in heap.
ImmediateSchedulingStrategy Immediately schedules any incoming validation request.
ManagedHttpCacheStorage HttpCacheStorage implementation capable of deallocating resources associated with the cache entries.

Package org.apache.http.impl.client.cache Description

This package contains a cache module that can be used for HTTP/1.1 client-side caching. The primary classes in this package are the CachingHttpClient, which is a drop-in replacement for a DefaultHttpClient that adds caching, and the CacheConfig class that can be used for configuring it.

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