Class CacheConfig.Builder

  extended by org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CacheConfig.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static class CacheConfig.Builder
extends Object

Method Summary
 CacheConfig build()
 CacheConfig.Builder setAllow303Caching(boolean allow303Caching)
          Enables or disables 303 caching.
 CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkerIdleLifetimeSecs(int asynchronousWorkerIdleLifetimeSecs)
          Sets the current maximum idle lifetime in seconds for a background revalidation worker thread.
 CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkersCore(int asynchronousWorkersCore)
          Sets the minimum number of threads to keep alive for background revalidations due to the stale-while-revalidate directive.
 CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkersMax(int asynchronousWorkersMax)
          Sets the maximum number of threads to allow for background revalidations due to the stale-while-revalidate directive.
 CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicCachingEnabled(boolean heuristicCachingEnabled)
          Enables or disables heuristic caching.
 CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicCoefficient(float heuristicCoefficient)
          Sets coefficient to be used in heuristic freshness caching.
 CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicDefaultLifetime(long heuristicDefaultLifetime)
          Sets default lifetime in seconds to be used if heuristic freshness calculation is not possible.
 CacheConfig.Builder setMaxCacheEntries(int maxCacheEntries)
          Sets the maximum number of cache entries the cache will retain.
 CacheConfig.Builder setMaxObjectSize(long maxObjectSize)
          Specifies the maximum response body size that will be eligible for caching.
 CacheConfig.Builder setMaxUpdateRetries(int maxUpdateRetries)
          Sets the number of times to retry a cache update on failure
 CacheConfig.Builder setNeverCacheHTTP10ResponsesWithQueryString(boolean neverCacheHTTP10ResponsesWithQuery)
          Sets whether the cache should never cache HTTP 1.0 responses with a query string or not.
 CacheConfig.Builder setRevalidationQueueSize(int revalidationQueueSize)
          Sets the current maximum queue size for background revalidations.
 CacheConfig.Builder setSharedCache(boolean isSharedCache)
          Sets whether the cache should behave as a shared cache or not.
 CacheConfig.Builder setWeakETagOnPutDeleteAllowed(boolean weakETagOnPutDeleteAllowed)
          Allows or disallows weak etags to be used with PUT/DELETE If-Match requests.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public CacheConfig.Builder setMaxObjectSize(long maxObjectSize)
Specifies the maximum response body size that will be eligible for caching.

maxObjectSize - size in bytes


public CacheConfig.Builder setMaxCacheEntries(int maxCacheEntries)
Sets the maximum number of cache entries the cache will retain.


public CacheConfig.Builder setMaxUpdateRetries(int maxUpdateRetries)
Sets the number of times to retry a cache update on failure


public CacheConfig.Builder setAllow303Caching(boolean allow303Caching)
Enables or disables 303 caching.

allow303Caching - should be true to permit 303 caching, false to disable it.


public CacheConfig.Builder setWeakETagOnPutDeleteAllowed(boolean weakETagOnPutDeleteAllowed)
Allows or disallows weak etags to be used with PUT/DELETE If-Match requests.

weakETagOnPutDeleteAllowed - should be true to permit weak etags, false to reject them.


public CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicCachingEnabled(boolean heuristicCachingEnabled)
Enables or disables heuristic caching.

heuristicCachingEnabled - should be true to permit heuristic caching, false to enable it.


public CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicCoefficient(float heuristicCoefficient)
Sets coefficient to be used in heuristic freshness caching. This is interpreted as the fraction of the time between the Last-Modified and Date headers of a cached response during which the cached response will be considered heuristically fresh.

heuristicCoefficient - should be between 0.0 and 1.0.


public CacheConfig.Builder setHeuristicDefaultLifetime(long heuristicDefaultLifetime)
Sets default lifetime in seconds to be used if heuristic freshness calculation is not possible. Explicit cache control directives on either the request or origin response will override this, as will the heuristic Last-Modified freshness calculation if it is available.

heuristicDefaultLifetime - is the number of seconds to consider a cache-eligible response fresh in the absence of other information. Set this to 0 to disable this style of heuristic caching.


public CacheConfig.Builder setSharedCache(boolean isSharedCache)
Sets whether the cache should behave as a shared cache or not.

isSharedCache - true to behave as a shared cache, false to behave as a non-shared (private) cache. To have the cache behave like a browser cache, you want to set this to false.


public CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkersMax(int asynchronousWorkersMax)
Sets the maximum number of threads to allow for background revalidations due to the stale-while-revalidate directive.

asynchronousWorkersMax - number of threads; a value of 0 disables background revalidations.


public CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkersCore(int asynchronousWorkersCore)
Sets the minimum number of threads to keep alive for background revalidations due to the stale-while-revalidate directive.

asynchronousWorkersCore - should be greater than zero and less than or equal to getAsynchronousWorkersMax()


public CacheConfig.Builder setAsynchronousWorkerIdleLifetimeSecs(int asynchronousWorkerIdleLifetimeSecs)
Sets the current maximum idle lifetime in seconds for a background revalidation worker thread. If a worker thread is idle for this long, and there are more than the core number of worker threads alive, the worker will be reclaimed.

asynchronousWorkerIdleLifetimeSecs - idle lifetime in seconds


public CacheConfig.Builder setRevalidationQueueSize(int revalidationQueueSize)
Sets the current maximum queue size for background revalidations.


public CacheConfig.Builder setNeverCacheHTTP10ResponsesWithQueryString(boolean neverCacheHTTP10ResponsesWithQuery)
Sets whether the cache should never cache HTTP 1.0 responses with a query string or not.

neverCacheHTTP10ResponsesWithQuery - true to never cache responses with a query string, false to cache if explicit cache headers are found. Set this to true to better emulate IE, which also never caches responses, regardless of what caching headers may be present.


public CacheConfig build()

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