Uses of Class

Uses of Logic in org.apache.shale.examples.mailreaderjpa

Methods in org.apache.shale.examples.mailreaderjpa that return Logic
 Logic Master.getLogic()
          Return the business Logic for this application.
 Logic Domains.getLogic()
          Return the business Logic for this application.
 Logic Detail.getLogic()
          Return the business Logic for this application.
 Logic Logon.getLogic()
          Return the business Logic for this application.

Methods in org.apache.shale.examples.mailreaderjpa with parameters of type Logic
 void Master.setLogic(Logic logic)
          Set the business Logic for this application.
 void Domains.setLogic(Logic logic)
          Set the business Logic for this application.
 void Detail.setLogic(Logic logic)
          Set the business Logic for this application.
 void Logon.setLogic(Logic logic)
          Set the business Logic for this application.

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