Interface DefinitionsReader

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public interface DefinitionsReader

Interface for reading Definition from a source.

This interface provides a standard way to read Definition objects from a source. Implementations should define what the source is, whether it be a persistent store such as a configuration file or database, or something like a web service. The DefinitionsReader is responsible for reading from a single location. It does not perform any internationalization duties or inheritance of Definitions. It only reads from the source and returns a Map of objects read.

$Rev: 537196 $ $Date: 2007-05-11 16:07:35 +0200 (Fri, 11 May 2007) $

Method Summary
 void init(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the DefinitionsReader object.
 Map<String,Definition> read(Object source)
          Reads Definition objects from a source.

Method Detail


void init(Map<String,String> params)
          throws DefinitionsFactoryException
Initializes the DefinitionsReader object.

This method must be called before the read(java.lang.Object) method is called.

params - A map of properties used to set up the reader.
DefinitionsFactoryException - if required properties are not passed in or the initialization fails.


Map<String,Definition> read(Object source)
                            throws DefinitionsFactoryException
Reads Definition objects from a source.

Implementations should publish what type of source object is expected.

source - The source from which definitions will be read.
a Map of Definition objects read from the source.
DefinitionsFactoryException - if the source is invalid or an error occurs when reading definitions.

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